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About us

The trade union and UK professional body for the diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy workforce.

For over 100 years, The Society of Radiographers (SoR) has advocated for radiography professionals at the heart of patient care.

Founded in 1920, the Society of Radiographers is one of the oldest and most experienced radiography organisations in the world.

As a trade union and UK professional body for the diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy workforce, with our members, we shape policy and standards, pioneer new ways of working, and ensure safe and fair workplaces.

About Radiography

The heart of clinical imaging and radiotherapy departments.

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Society of Radiographers

The Society of Radiographers shapes the healthcare agenda and lead opinion on a wide range of professional issues. We set the standards that become the policies adopted and acclaimed by governments and health professionals worldwide. In the workplace, we pioneer new ways of working and ensure that imaging professionals work in a safe and fair environment.

More about the Society


Here are the latest questions with answers and advice.

You can also visit our COVID website for a selection of the common employment questions we have been receiving around Covid-19 and advice.

  • What should we do where individuals have been advised to self-isolate to prevent onward transmission? (NHS Wales COVID-19 Update, 1 October 2020)

    Given the significance of this as a control of infection issue, we need organisational responses, across NHS Wales, to support the intent of this approach and to enable and facilitate individuals doing the right thing when considering selfisolation. Accordingly, it has been agreed that any self-isolation absence in the interests of control of infection (household isolation) will be disregarded in respect of the cumulative absence and triggers which operate within the Managing Attendance at Work Policy. These absences will be treated as medical exclusion and will be paid at full pay. In these circumstances, the individual will not be required to provide a Fit Note as the absence will be authorised absence.
    Normal sickness provisions as detailed in the NHS terms and conditions of service handbook (section 14, Wales) and the Medical and Dental Terms and Conditions of Service (Wales) paragraphs 225-244, will be paused for the duration of the outbreak for sickness absence directly related to COVID-19. For normal sickness absence that is not related to COVID-19, normal provisions will apply as usual.

    For the purposes of direct COVID-19 related absences, all references to full pay in this set of FAQs refer to what the individual would have otherwise earned. Full pay will continue to be paid and this will include regularly paid supplements, including any recruitment and retention premia and payments for work outside normal hours i.e. pay will be calculated on the basis of what the individual would have received had he/she been at work.

    For staff whose sick pay is usually calculated using only their basic salary, for the duration of the pandemic they will be paid sick pay as though they are working if they are off sick with COVID-19, using an agreed reference period or other local agreed policy.

    Where individuals self-isolate for 10 days with symptoms this will be classed as normal sickness absence but will also be disregarded in respect of cumulative absence and triggers which operate within the Managing Attendance at Work Policy and the individual will receive full pay as noted above.

    Any planned annual leave which coincides with this period of self-isolation will be reinstated.

  • What should individuals with symptoms be advised to do? (NHS Wales COVID-19 Update, 1 October 2020)

    Please refer to Public Health Wales advice

    Individuals showing symptoms (Fever (37.8 degrees centigrade or above, Recent cough/ chest tightness, Shortness of breath, loss of taste and/or smell) must not attend work and should self-isolate for 10 days. Symptomatic employees would be
    considered sick in line with the Managing Attendance at Work policy. Symptomatic individuals should not return to work until fully recovered.

    After 10 days of self-isolation, people who feel better and no longer have a high temperature can return to their normal routine. If they have not had any signs of improvement after 10 days and have not already sought medical advice, they
    should use NHS111 online (people should only call NHS111 if they cannot get online) before they leave their home or let visitors in.

    Cough may persist for several weeks in some people, despite the coronavirus infection having cleared. A persistent cough alone does not mean someone must continue to stay at home for more than 10 days.

  • What are the programme requirements for students to be considered a Radiography Assistant Practitioner?

    Many staff in UK higher education institutions that deliver pre-registration radiography education courses have been approached to support radiography students to become employed as a Radiography Assistant Practitioner (AP) in local trusts/health boards. What are the current requirements for educational programmes in order that students may be considered as a Radiography Assistant Practitioner?

    The educational outcomes to be a Radiography Assistant Practitioner are detailed within the SCoR document Education and Career Framework for the Radiography Workforce, in which the outcomes for an Assistant Practitioner are detailed. These outcomes are normally achieved at Level 5 of the Higher Education Credit and Qualifications Framework (HEQF), or Level 8 of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

    SCoR is of the opinion that present 2nd year students (3rd year students in Scotland) will have met these AP outcomes and could be considered as an AP employee. The important thing to remember is that when a trust/board employs an AP in radiography (even on a temporary basis), the employer needs to check for 'adequate training' (theory and practice) under Schedule 3 of IR(ME)R 2017 (2018, in Northern Ireland) before entitling the individual as an IR(ME)R Operator in a particular scope of practice.
    To do this, a check on whether the student has passed the relevant clinical assessments that he/she will be practising during this temporary AP employment must be undertaken (a good reference is the published SCoR AP Scope of Practice).

    Usually in diagnostic practice, this would mean that they are competent in undertaking standard radiographic imaging of:

    • Appendicular skeleton
    • Axial skeleton excluding skull and cervical spine
    • Chest and thorax
    • Abdomen and pelvis

    Students working as an AP, still require supervision by a registered radiographer. This would be indirect supervision for those practices for which they are deemed competent and direct supervision for more complicated practices. During temporary employment as an AP, the student will have the employer's vicarious liability as employment insurance cover.

  • Information on current national projects and support available available for return to practise




    Northern Ireland

    HCPC update Sep 20

    Link to the HCPC requirements for those seeking readmission to the register:

    Information for employers supporting return to practice radiographers during the Covid 19 pandemic

    Alliance Medical - Return to practice scheme for Radiographers-Clinical Support update Sep 20

    We can look at flexible options to help to support your Return to practice hours. Individuals can get more information by contacting HR via this email address  Please provide your CV and also an outline of your requirements.  The Return to Practice Scheme for Radiographers is designed for those who have taken absence from their profession and wish to return and obtain their HCPC registration as per the HCPC requirements.