Promotional resources

Radiographers promoting radiography.

In this section

In This Section

Radiographers are encouraged to take any opportunity to promote the profession to local schools and sixth form colleges. There are also opportunities to become involved in public speaking on radiography to various groups.

Update as of 26/03/2020: Staff are not currently in HQ to action careers pack requests.  Please use the PDF versions linked below.  Permission is not needed from us to print off local copies.

Website resources

Careers information

College of Radiographer's Radiography Careers section

Information on Radiography from the NHS

The NHS Careers website

Information on radiation protection

Health Protection Agency website:



The SoR has developed a series of leaflets and presentation to explain what radiographers do across a wide area of practice. We hope you find them useful.

Presentation on radiography as a career

You are invited to download, adapt and use the presentation to match your audience.

The Role of the Radiographer leaflets