National Student Placement Survey 2024

Share your experiences today!

Our National Student Placement Survey 2024 is now open. 

We invite you to participate in our survey aimed at capturing valuable insights into the standards and quality of student placement experiences across the UK. Open to all students, including those who are not SoR members, the survey will be open until the extended deadline of Wednesday 12 June at 23:59.

Your input will contribute to shaping a comprehensive understanding of support requirements, guiding us in tailoring resources to better meet your needs. Join us in making a difference by sharing your thoughts and experiences through this survey.

Your voice matters!

Anyone who requires individual support at present or in the future should contact the Student & New Professionals officer on [email protected] in the first instance. Requests for individual support will not be picked up through this survey, however we welcome the sharing of your placement experience with us.

National Student Placement Survey 2024

Share your views today!