APRONS Special Interest Group

The Assistant Practitioner Radiography Online Network Scotland (APRONS) group provides AP’s in Scotland with a voice within Scottish Imaging

1. Purpose:

There was a perception that Assistant Practitioners across Scotland did not receive enough support and could at times feel undervalued as professionals within their departments. It was also noted that there was a lack of clarity across the country around the expectations of AP’s and their Scopes of Practices appeared to differ across NHS Scotland Health boards. 

Therefore, the Assistant Practitioner Radiography Online Network Scotland (APRONS) group was set up to provide AP’s in Scotland with a voice within the Scottish Imaging sector. APRONS have provided AP’s in Scotland with a support platform which ensures their views and opinions are heard. APRONS also ensure that all AP’s in Scotland are working under the correct Scope of practice and that they are kept updated on any AP development initiatives.

2. Aims: 

The aims of the APRONS are:

  • To contribute to Assistant Practitioner initiatives within NES, SCoR and Scottish Government.
  • To identify AP training and development needs.
  • To raise the profile of Assistant Practitioner education.
  • To share good practice, knowledge and experience.
  • To ensure a communication highway for Assistant Practitioners

3. Meetings and correspondence:

Each year we aim to have 2 TEAMS Meetings along with 2 NES/SCIN Workshops and a full day AP Event in person or over Teams.

All minutes/presentations/infographics from meetings will be made available on this webpage and the SCIN APRONS webpage. 

Correspondence is by email and is also available via the APRONS Whatsapp group, all phone numbers and email addresses can be sent to the APRONS Secretary at: [email protected]

An officer representing the Society and College of Radiographers may be invited to attend SIG meetings, where time allows, providing advice and updates. 

4. Membership:

Membership to APRONS is open to ALL AP’s in Scotland. You do not need to be a member of SoR to become a member.

Members are asked to email [email protected]  if they wish to join or leave the group.

Important Contacts:

Chair: Stephanie Begg

Vice-Chair: Karen Morris

Secretary: Jacqui Porter