Specialist Paediatric Radiotherapy Radiographers Interest Group

Join the SPRRIG

There have been huge improvements in the treatment of children's cancer over the past 50 years. More than 7 in 10 (over 70%) of children with cancer are now cured, compared with fewer than 3 in 10 (less than 30%) in 1962-66.

Alongside surgery and chemotherapy, radiotherapy has become a much more common treatment modality for paediatric cancers. Particularly with the emergence of conformal and high resolution image guided radiotherapy.

There is an increasing demand for specialist paediatric radiotherapy services. Motivated individuals who have a specific interest in paediatric radiotherapy have, in the main, driven training for radiotherapy radiographers often at a local level. At present there are draft recognised national standards.

The Specialist Paediatric Radiotherapy Radiographers Interest Group (SPRRIG) aims include:

  • To support and contribute to the development of standards of best practice for those involved in providing paediatric radiotherapy.
  • To lead and drive the development and improvement of the highest standards in paediatric radiotherapy through utilisation of specialist knowledge, implementation of best practice and provision of staff support in continuing education.

Join the SIG

Please click the button below if you wish to join Special Paediatric Radiotherapy Radiographers Interest Group.

We'd like an outline of your role and responsibilities, and what you hope to gain from becoming a member.