Supply, Administration & Prescribing Radiographers

Supporting the safe use of medicines by radiographers and associated professionals in clinical imaging and radiotherapy services



Radiographers have had an evolving role for many years in the use of medicines both in clinical imaging and radiotherapy. The Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR) has promoted and encouraged radiographers to become competent in the administration of intravenous injections since 1996 and published the Course of Study for the Certificate of Competence in Administering Intravenous injections. Radiographers and other associated professionals in clinical imaging e.g. sonographers, nuclear medicine technologists administer contrast agents and other medicines as part and parcel of their everyday work.

In 1999, The Final Report of the Review of Prescribing, Supply and Administration of Medicines (The Crown Report DH 1999) recommended changes to the mechanisms whereby health care professionals could prescribe, supply and administer medicines including an extension of prescribing rights to health care professionals, including radiographers. 

Currently, radiographers may supply and administer medicines under Patient Specific Directions and Patient Group Directions. Diagnostic radiographers may undertake courses to qualify as supplementary prescribers and radiotherapy radiographers may become independent prescribers leading to them being annotated and registered on the HCPC register for this role. The Department of Health is committed to extending non-medical prescribing and is slowly working towards independent prescribing for more Allied Health Professionals which may include diagnostic radiographers.

A working party of SoR members was convened to support the work on the supply, administration and prescribing of medicines by radiographers and has supported the independent prescribing project, national strategy and the NHSE project.


Membership is open to all radiographers and associated professionals who are actively involved in supply, administration or prescribing of medicines (including contrast
media). Professionals who aren't SoR members are welcome to apply.

An officer representing the Society and College of Radiographers may be invited to attend the meeting, providing advice and updates.

Membership of the group is free as the group is self-funding. Individual members will be expected to cover their own expenses and to contribute as appropriate to group projects.

The group, in recognition of the importance of close collaboration, will keep the Council of the Society of Radiographers and the Board of Trustees of the College of Radiographers informed of their activities.

The forum will keep notes of meetings and produce an annual report and annual work plan for the benefit of members of the forum. These will be shared with group members via Synapse.

If you're interested in joining please click below




Jancis Kinsman


Joanne Evans

Other positions and work to be agreed by the group

Annual reports


  • To support and contribute to the development of best practice in medicines management.
  • To lead improvement and development of the highest standards in medicines management through sharing of clinical expertise and experience and continuing education.
  • To support trainees and service developments in prescribing practice

The remit of this forum will include:

  • Legal framework for medicines usage e.g. PGD’s, PSD’s, exemptions
  • Supplementary and independent prescribing for radiographers,
  • Safe and secure handling of medicines,
  • Supply and administration of medicines
  • Review of course of study for certificate of competence in administering intravenous injections


  • The forum will meet at least once a year. Date and venue of the next meeting to be arranged at the end of each meeting.
  • Business to be continued during the year using a platform called Synapse.
  • Ad hoc meetings/working parties may be convened as required for specific pieces of work

Note taker for meetings will be nominated