UK Council Elections

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UK Council 

The UK Council of the Society of Radiographers is the Board of Directors and the governing Executive Committee for all our activities. Members of the Council are elected from the membership by other members on a regional basis.

All full members of the Society are eligible to stand for election. The term of office is three years. At the end of a term, the elected Council member may stand again for a further term but it is important that members in the region are given the opportunity either to stand for election or to nominate another member to stand. This ensures that Council retains democratic legitimacy.

If you are elected to UK Council you will have a range of legal duties including (but not limited to): 

  • representing and promoting agreed policies 
  • representing the trades union and professional interests of all Society members
  • developing and promoting the advancement of the radiography profession and the wider radiographic workforce
  • undertaking campaign work as required 
  • encouraging recruitment of members in the Countries and Region(s)
  • attending and speaking at national and international conferences, events and meetings

When a vacancy arises, you can nominate yourself as long as you have the support of four other SoR members, who will sign your application form to declare their support. 

When completing your nomination form, you also need to send a statement of interest (up to 500 words) covering why you are applying and outlining your professional and personal interests. Should there be an election, this statement will be used. 

The SoR is committed to equal opportunities and values diversity in its workforce. 

For more information on the role and responsibilities, please see the UK Council member handbook

Vice president election

From Monday 10 June, eligible members will receive an email invitation to participate in the online ballot to decide who will be the next vice president. Elected by the Society’s membership each year, the president and vice president represent the whole of the radiography profession and help to steer the direction of the Society. 

For 2024, there are two UK Council members in the running for the role. Learn more about them below.

  • Rachel Nolan

    Hello, my name is Rachel Nolan, and I am standing to become the next Vice President of the SoR. I trained at the Lincolnshire School of Radiography, qualifying as a Diagnostic Radiographer in 1989. In 1993 I trained as a sonographer completing the first PgC at Derby University. I have over 30 years of experience in the profession and have seen many changes including the introduction of digital technology and advanced practice.

    The department I lead has been at the forefront of the enhanced/advanced practice revolution. We became one of the first sonographer-led services, introducing specialist and interventional roles and were one of the first DGHs to perform ultrasound contrast. I sat on the BMUS safety committee contributing to the Standardisation of Ultrasound Exposure Reporting for Bio-Effects and Safety Studies. 

    Around 12 years ago I moved into the assistant imaging lead role. I’ve dealt with challenges around workforce and staff retention, introducing various roles including consultant radiographer and sonographer posts, specialist clinical roles and routes into leadership. Staff growth is essential for retention of the workforce.

    I have sat on the Diagnostic Imaging Advisory group for six years, initially as vice chair and now as UK Council representative. This has proved invaluable experience.

    I’ve had the privilege to present at study days and conferences over the years and am never one to shy away from a good debate.

    I always ensure radiographers have a voice at both trust and national meetings.

    Working with other members of UK Council has given me insight into challenges across the four nations in both diagnostics and therapy but also the amazing work that everyone is doing. I am proud to represent radiographers and the Society.

    Agenda for Change bandings. The bandings haven’t changed with the advancement of practice meaning radiographers aren’t recognised for the expanded roles they perform which needs addressing.

    Sonographer registration is an extremely important piece of work not only to recognise sonographers professionally but to ensure the safety of patients currently scanned by unregistered professionals.

    Promotion and recognition of our profession and the people in it is a top priority, we are a challenged workforce having large vacancy rates and attrition. We must take action planning the future workforce, embedding different ways to enter the profession, providing post graduate training enabling career progression.

    I’m keen to continue the work done by recent presidential teams, adding my own ideas to what is already being achieved. I’d like to see more promotion of the profession so that radiographers get the recognition that they deserve for the vital work they do in both diagnostics and therapy.

    Being elected vice president would be a huge honour and I would continue to work with the other board members to ensure resilience in the future.

    There are many challenges ahead within healthcare in general and I am keen to ensure that the voices of our members are heard and acted upon.

    Rachel Nolan
    UK Council Member | Eastern Region representative

  • Robin Bickerton

    My name is Robin Bickerton and for the last four years I have had the privilege of being the South East regional council member. I am honoured to put myself forward for election for the role of vice president.

    The last few years have been something I have been very proud of, as our profession adapted to new ways. As a council member I have sought to help evolve the SoR to the benefit of the members and good of the organisation.

    I have been involved with the South-East region of the Society of Radiographers since being a first-year radiography student. I was a pathway and faculty board student representative and was one of the first ADC student observers to council. 

    When I started at the Horton, I was asked to be the department industrial relations representative, which I have found to be one of the most fulfilling parts of my career.

    In the past I have been vice-chair of the Trust Staff Side. I have also been involved with The British Society for the History of Radiology for many years on which I serve as a trustee. I also sit on the Patient Advisory Group, which I really enjoy and feeds back well into both my work and SoR roles. I have recently also joined the Radiation Protection Group, which involves meeting with groups with a diverse range of expertise in the field.

    I am the lead CT Radiographer working at the Horton Hospital Banbury which is part of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and as a Band 7 in a district general hospital (DGH) I understand the challenges faced by the members of the region every day as I face them myself. I know how we feel about our pensions and pay.

    In my previous career I was in retail management and used to deal with finance and budgets. This interest has led me to sit on the investment group which is very interesting and I view as a great responsibility.

    At meetings I am not afraid to speak up but I also always listen to others and enjoy a good well-mannered debate, whilst I am one who is comfortable to change my stance when it is prudent to do so. The new strategy is under development as I write this and it is a process I am fully engaged with and am eager to take forward with my colleagues on council.

    I have a keen interest in how people with neurodivergent disabilities are treated in society and in the workplace as I am severely dyslexic myself.

    I have always enjoyed serving my colleagues and the SoR to the best of my abilities and I would be privileged and honoured to be your vice president if you would wish me to.

    My opponent in this election is a wonderful person who I have great respect for and has the knowledge and experience to be an excellent president, and I consider it an honour to stand against her whether I win or lose.

    Robin Bickerton 
    UK Council Member | South East Region Representative


We'll be announcing any vacant national and regional representative seats in Autumn 2024. 

Further information 

If you'd like to ask any questions about what serving on UK Council is like, please email our President, Dave Pilborough, for a quick chat. While for queries about elections, please contact our Governance Manager Zoe Willenbrock.