The UK Council of the Society of Radiographers is the Board of Directors and the governing Executive Committee for all our activities. Members of the Council are elected from the membership by other members on a regional basis.
All full members of the Society are eligible to stand for election. The term of office is three years. At the end of a term, the elected Council member may stand again for a further term but it is important that members in the region are given the opportunity either to stand for election or to nominate another member to stand. This ensures that Council retains democratic legitimacy.
If you are elected to UK Council you will have a range of legal duties including (but not limited to):
When a vacancy arises, you can nominate yourself as long as you have the support of four other SoR members, who will sign your application form to declare their support.
The SoR is committed to equal opportunities and values diversity in its workforce.
For more information on the role and responsibilities, please see the UK Council member handbook.
Nominations for vacant council positions has closed.
As part of your nomination, you will need to provide an elections' statement (up to 500 words) covering why you are applying and outlining your professional and personal interests. Should there be an election, this statement will be made available to all voting members, to help inform their decision.
We advise you to refer to the following guidance information before starting your application.
If you'd like to ask any questions about what serving on UK Council is like, please email our president Thomas Welton, for a quick chat. While for queries about elections, please contact our Governance Manager Zoe Willenbrock.