Enhanced-level practice employs a higher level of clinical skills beyond those obtained for initial registration, for example, developing clinical skills training with the underpinning completion of PGC or PGD education. Enhanced level practice makes a significant and essential contribution to patient care and clinical services but does not necessarily meet advanced level across all of the four pillars of advanced practice. Following a 2019 survey by Health Education England (HEE), work to develop the use of the term ‘enhanced-level practice’ has been regarded as a positive move for patients and healthcare. HEE are currently undertaking work with stakeholders to define the notion and understanding of enhanced-level practice across the healthcare professions.
It is likely that enhanced-level practitioners will be expected to be working at Agenda for Change pay Band 6 or 7, depending on their roles and responsibilities, with Band 7 reflecting roles with responsibility for independent reporting or similar activities. Enhanced-level practitioners will not be expected to complete full MSc or Doctoral-level study, unlike advanced and consultant practitioners (although that remains an option for individuals). Expected pay bands depend on skills and responsibilities, likely 8a for advanced practice radiographers and 8b to 8d for consultant radiographers. Further comment is included in a recent editorial in Radiography Journal Enhanced practice: A strategy to resolve the inconsistencies in advanced practice implementation (radiographyonline.com)
The College of Radiographers (2022) Education and Career Framework for the Radiography Workforce | SoR includes enhanced-level practice guidance and expectations.
Health Education England have published 'An employer's guide to the enhanced clinical practitioner apprenticeship' available at the following link Report template (skillsforhealth.org.uk)
Health Education England (HEE) information: Enhanced practice | Health Education England (hee.nhs.uk)
Institute for apprenticeships: Enhanced clinical practitioner / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
The SoR is one of the range of professional bodies involved in HEE multi-professional enhanced-level practice working group, from which further updates will be provided via Synergy News as work progresses.
Updated 12.01.2023