Basic, immediate and advanced life support

The target learning group of this case study was FY1 Doctors

In this section

In This Section

Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge

    • Types and management of acute coronary syndromes
    • Causes of cardiac arrest
  • Skills

    • Diagnose and treatment of NSTEMI

    • Recognition and management of cardiac arrest

  • Attitudes/Behaviours

    • Reassure patient in pain
    • Ensure effective leadership (1)

Scenario Environment


Set in simulated learning area looking like clinical area


Clinical equipment, resuscitation trolley including defibrillator and drugs




Live streamed into debriefing room for other candidates


Faculty – Clinical lead, technician and individual playing role of ED Nurse

6 FY1 Doctors – 1 initial responder supported by second responder (this FY1 does
not hear the handover so will need a handover from the initial responder) other
4 FY1s watch in other room – asked to attend patient when they arrest

Potential Distracters

Numerous people (6 candidates)


Also tested in a video format for socially distanced delivery during pandemic

Initial Simulation Setup

Manikin on bed / trolley, ED nurse in area  

Case Introduction

Asked to review patient recently arrived in ED – 3 hr history of chest pain unrelieved by GTN – feels different from normal chest pain.

Instructions for Personnel

Please complete an initial assessment – local help will be made available to you (another FY1) but they will need to be briefed about the patient.

You will have an ED nurse to support you and senior advice via phone

Evaluation Strategy

Faculty observe both procedural elements and teamworking which forms the basis of the debriefing learning conversation