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Certificate of IV Administration

Registering candidates and issuing certificates

There are separate procedures for registering candidates and for issuing certificates to candidates who have successfully completed the Certificate of Competence in Administering Intravenous Injections (including cannulation):

Registration procedure

  • Education centres approved to offer the Certificate of Competence in Administering Intravenous Injections should ensure that a separate registration form is completed for each candidate and that these are collated and forwarded to Professional Support at The College of Radiographers, together with the appropriate registration fee or request for an invoice, prior to the commencement of the course.
  • The College of Radiographers will issue a registration number and a copy of the course of study booklet to each candidate via the education centre.
  • A letter confirming registration numbers of candidates will be sent to the education centre. The registration number should be quoted in all future correspondence regarding individual candidates.
  • The current registration fee is £40 for members of the Society of Radiographers, and £50 for non members.  We will collect payment from your education centre, there is no need to send us the fee.
  • Copies of the registration form are available from Professional Support at The College of Radiographers.

Procedure for issuing certificates to successful candidates

  • Education centres should notify SCoR on headed paper or by email, giving the full name and IV registration number of each candidate who has successfully completed the course.
  • The list should be forwarded to Professional Support at The College of Radiographers who will issue certificates to successful candidates.  The certificates will be forwarded to the education centre for onward transmission.

Centres offering training

Our current list of providers approved to deliver intravenous injection training can be found below: