Radiographers who work in veterinary practice will be trained and educated in the use of ionising radiation as it applies to human medicine. They will be familiar with The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 and will be able to apply the principles of radiation safety to occupational exposures and exposures of the public in veterinary practice environments. The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 apply to humans and there can be uncertainty around the management of the radiation protection of animals.
Many animals have the opportunity to benefit from a wide range of diagnostic and treatment technologies. The following resources produced by the International Commission on Radiological Protection will help veterinary services to develop high quality governance procedures which support the welfare and radiation protection of animals undergoing veterinary diagnosis and treatment.
ICRP Publication 153 highlights unique considerations for the radiation protection of animals and endorses the use of the System of Radiological Protection in the diagnosis and treatment of animals.
Webinar Introducing ICRP Publication 153: Radiological Protection in Veterinary Practice ICRP
Society for Radiological Protection - X-Ray Risk Assessments for Veterinary Practice - The Society for Radiological Protection - SRP (
International Atomic Energy Agency Radiation Protection and Safety in Veterinary Medicine | IAEA