SoR Leadership Mentoring Scheme

Increasing leadership skills across the UK

The Leadership Mentoring Scheme is designed to support members who wish to move into senior leadership roles. The scheme will facilitate a cohort of mentees who will receive one to one mentoring from senior leaders within our profession.

The scheme aims to equip mentees with leadership and management skills, increased personal and professional confidence and professional networking.

In addition to attending pre-launch training and the launch event, both of which are mandatory (see key dates below), successful candidates will be expected to join the training and networking events throughout the course of the scheme.

Key dates for the 2024-2025 scheme

Before applying, candidates should ensure that they are available to attend the following mandatory events.


Networking and training

Wednesday 15 January 2025

Mentors: 10:00 – 12:30
Mentees: 14:00 - 16:30


Networking Event at UKIO (hybrid)
Tuesday 3rd June 2025

*Attendance dependent on funding

Celebratory Closing Event SoR HQ

Thursday 18th September


More dates to come! Additional information will be released in due course.

LMS2 Celebratory Event

Celebrating the end of the second iteration of the Leadership Mentoring Scheme, mentors and mentees gathered at the SoR | CoR HQ on September 18, 2024, for a day of inspiring presentations by mentees and a mentor Q&A session.

Below, you can watch recordings of interviews conducted by Steering Group member Alison Hewitt, where participants share their experiences in the Leadership Mentoring Scheme (LMS).

LMS2 Celebratory Event | 

Louise Taylor interview with Alison Hewitt

Within this video, Alison speaks to Louise Taylor who is a Treatment Lead at the Stoke on Trent Hospital and shares how she became a radiographer and how LMS has benefited her career journey and current role. 

LMS2 Celebratory Event | 

Jamie Beck interview with Alison Hewitt

Alison speaks to Jamie Beck who is an Assistant Professor of Diagnostic Radiography at the University of Bradford. Jamie explains how he got involved with the Leadership Mentoring Scheme. He also shares how LMS helped him improve his weaknesses and become aware of key areas he needed to focus on.

LMS2 Celebratory Event | 

Jill McKenna interview with Alison Hewitt

Within this video, Alison speaks to Louise Taylor who is a Treatment Lead at the Stoke on Trent Hospital. Louise shares how she became a radiographer and how LMS has benefited her.  

Mentor Profiles 2024-2025

  • Claire Mercer

    Title, first name and surname: Dr Claire Mercer

    Geographic region: Lancashire / Greater Manchester

    Name of workplace: University of Salford

    Position: Head of Radiography

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: PhD, MSc, PGCAP, BSc(hons) Diagnostic Radiography, SFHEA

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:

    As Head of Radiography at the University of Salford, with an additional 15 years of NHS management experience, I am dedicated to supporting radiographers transitioning into leadership roles. I am deeply passionate about workforce development, focusing on enhancing skills and education within the radiography field. My commitment extends to fostering a supportive environment that encourages professional growth and excellence.

    Mentoring experience: My role involves personal tutoring and PhD supervision, ensuring emerging leaders receive the guidance they need. I support teams informally and formally, internally and externally to the University. I currently have an online community to support mentees of trainee mammographers.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme? I am enthusiastic about using my experiences to support radiographers who are interested in or currently in leadership roles. I believe leadership is a skill that can be naturally developed, and I would welcome the opportunity to mentor future leaders, sharing my journey (the good, the bad and the ugly!) and insights to empower them and help them become the person they strive to be. There is nothing better for me than seeing someone develop and excel in their career, I find it truly rewarding.

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?

    I want mentees to be ready to engage and challenge themselves, to be proactive and open and honest about what they want and not be afraid to go for it! Enthusiasm and open communication I see are essential for both mentee and mentor and I would like them to have the ability to reflect and identify areas where I can best support them.

  • Clare Simcock

    Title, first name and surname: Mrs Clare Simcock, BSc (Hons), MSc

    Geographic region: London

    Name of workplace: Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    Position: Lead Radiographer

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: 
    BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography, MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences (MRI)
    Visiting lecturer at City University, University of Suffolk, University of Hertfordshire, University College, Dublin.
    Clinical area of expertise: PaediatricMRI

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:

    Workforce planning
    Compassionate leadership
    Advanced Practise development for Radiographers
    Operational management
    Strategic development of paediatric imaging services
    Imaging department design for children and young people
    Quality Improvement
    QSI accreditation- 10 years experience as accredited department.

    Mentoring experience.  This can be formal or informal.  In what capacity was mentoring delivered? (e.g. personal tutor, career advisor, clinical supervisor, PhD supervisor):
    Formal mentor for Great Ormond Street Hospital Trust as part of the trust wide mentorship scheme 2021- Present

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme?
    Support for Radiographers embarking on leadership roles to enable development of the next generation of professional Lead Radiographers. I have worked alongside some inspirational leaders and understand the impact mentorship can bring. To enhance the profile of the paediatric radiographer.

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?

    A passion for the profession and an ambition to raise the profile of the Radiographer through their own future career path. To have an enquiring mind and be open to change to allow them to reach their full potential.

  • David White

    Title, first name and surname: Mr David White 

    Geographic region: Coventry

    Name of workplace: University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

    Position: Head of Operations - Imaging

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: 

    MSc in Behavioural Biology and Healthcare, University of Surrey
    Continuing Education Diploma Technical Management of Scientific Departments
    Management Diploma of the College of Radiographers
    Diploma of the College of Radiographers
    UHCW Coaching Academy Level 5 Training (Accreditation Pending)

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management: 

    I provide professional leadership and am responsible and accountable for the operational management, financial resources and engagement of Imaging services. In addition, I manage the overall performance and transformation delivery within Imaging and I am actively involved in the strategy, decision making and coordination of imaging services activities, clinical workload, waiting lists and working arrangements.

    I work with my team to deliver an optimal patient-centred service whilst continually developing new and innovative business management systems to maximise the organisational efficiency and effectiveness of the service.

    I am a leader with strong communication and organisational skills gained from extensive clinical and managerial experience. I use structured thinking and am committed to the clinical service needs of patients and staff. I’m not afraid to challenge and lead with enthusiasm and direction to achieve the desired objectives. I work as part of a team, using a peer support structure, sometimes under great pressure where flexibility and initiative are essential.

    Foremost, I enjoy my role, I don't take myself too seriously and I am proud in being a Diagnostic Radiographer.

    Mentoring experience.  This can be formal or informal.  In what capacity was mentoring delivered? (e.g. personal tutor, career advisor, clinical supervisor, PhD supervisor): 

    Participated in the UHCW Coaching Academy, to level 5. Accreditation (delayed due to the pandemic) is expected in 2022.

    I have coached on a one-to-one basis, as well as peer-to-peer coaching since 2020. I regularly received supervision during this period.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme? 
    Pass on knowledge, skills and experiences as a Radiographer with over 35 years of working in the NHS.

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?
    Developing the next generation of professional senior managers in Imaging.

  • Elizabeth Ladd (Lizzy)

    Title, first name and surname: Mrs Elizabeth Ladd (Lizzy)

    Geographic region: South West

    Name of workplace: NHS England (South West)

    Position: Head of Imaging 

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: BSc Radiography (Diagnostic), MSc Healthcare Leadership

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:
    •    Previous radiology manager 
    •    Working at regional level

    Mentoring experience:

    Informal – clinical supervision
    Formal – Pilot Leadership Mentoring Scheme for SoR (Mentor)

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme?
    Develop as a mentor, supporting others with their development and encouragement to grow.
    Provide support and share experiences to bring different perspective and insight.

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?
    To be open and share their experiences and aspirations. Understand what they are hoping to gain from this scheme and what they are prepared to commit to. Commit to sessions that they agree to and be prepared to learn about themselves and develop and understanding of what it like to be on the receiving end of themselves.

  • Helen White

    Title, first name and surname: Helen P white

    Geographic region: West Midlands

    Name of workplace: Birmingham City University

    Position: College Lead for AHP Practice Quality

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: BSc Hons Therapeutic Radiography; PGDip Clinical Oncology; Masters in Education (Leadership & Management); PGCert Research in Practice. Doctorate in Health (student on going)

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:

    15 years of experience as Head of Radiography within a University, with educational professional and strategic oversight for therapeutic radiography, diagnostic radiography and ultrasound education, and including line management. This includes therefore expertise in professional development of individuals and working to meet the requirements of the future, as well as procurement, finances, systems and processes.

    Compassionate and people focussed leadership; I believe in people.

    Mentoring experience.  This can be formal or informal.  In what capacity was mentoring delivered? (e.g. personal tutor, career advisor, clinical supervisor, PhD supervisor):

    I am a personal tutor for students and a supervisor for research students at BSc and MSc level. I support formally and informally team members internally to the University, and also externally, in their career intentions and advocate for them.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme?
    I'd like the opportunity to see the profession through the eyes of someone who is a leader of the future, and enable them to share in some of the experiences and knowledges I have gained along my own journey so that they can take the world by storm and be a positive force for good in the world of radiography (of all types).

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?
    I would like them to have enthusiasm for the profession(s) and share open communication about their thoughts so that we can both learn from the experience. I would like them to be reflective on their own hopes and fears, as well as where they think I could best offer support and mentorship to enable them to be the best they can be, in whatever they would like to be or do. Id like them to be ready to be challenged and be challenging.

  • James Triscott

    Title, first name and surname: Mr James Triscott

    Geographic region: Wales

    Name of workplace: NHS Wales Executive

    Position: Programme Manager, National Imaging Programme

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: 
    MSc Radiography / PgD Image Interpretation - University of Hertfordshire
    BSc Diagnostic Radiography – University of Wales College of Medicine
    NVQ Level 5 Management
    NEBOSH General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:
    Change Management
    Planning/Strategy/Service Improvement
    Operational Management
    Quality and Governance

    Mentoring experience: I have had mentoring in both formal and informal settings – as part of management courses and qualifications, and also having sought advice from a previous Chief Executive I ended up with regular informal mentorship from him for 6 months.
    I have mentored many of staff and colleagues over periods of time, all informal.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme? 
    Keeping involved with services.
    Share experiences.
    Giving back to the imaging community – caring about the next generations success.
    Learning new skills and information from the mentee.
    Creating positive relationships that can be utilised over the coming years.

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?
    Positive working relationship.
    Identifies goals and gaps.
    Open to advice – but willing to rebuff if disagree with what discussed.
    Good communicator.
    Willing to ask questions.

  • Karen Glencross

    Title, first name and surname: Karen Glencross

    Geographic region: South Yorkshire

    Name of workplace: Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    Position: Medical Imaging Manager

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: Post graduate certificate in Mammographic Studies 2006
    Higher Diploma of the College of Radiographers 1988-1991
    Certificate of Competence in Mammography 1990
    Diploma of the College of Radiographers 1982

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:I am currently responsible for the operational management support of all Medical Imaging to ensure safe, efficient & cost-effective service delivery and provides overall leadership support to around 400 clinical, technical, administrative and support staff. Medical Imaging are accredited under QSI.

    I have introduced secondments for advanced and clinical practice roles and am passionate about developing interesting career pathways across imaging to allow staff to reach their full potential.

    Mentoring experience.  This can be formal or informal.  In what capacity was mentoring delivered? (e.g. personal tutor, career advisor, clinical supervisor, PhD supervisor):Line manager for imaging modality managers, clinical specialist, advanced practitioners and operational mangers within medical imaging.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme? As I approach retirement, I would like to encourage the personal and professional development of future radiography leaders.  I hope by fostering positive relationships with mentees and being able to support them with the challenges they are facing I will also learn from them. I think the scheme will improve my understanding of the younger generation and be mutually beneficial in developing network and communication skills. 

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?That they are proactive, positive and engaged with the scheme. They should be open to feedback and willing to collaborate on ideas and suggestions. It would be helpful if they had a goal or challenge in mind.

  • Kim Hutchings

    Title, first name and surname: Kim Hutchings

    Geographic region: London/South East

    Name of workplace: Various including: NHS Providers / independent leadership consultant and mentor
    /Lymington New Forest Hospital (Southern Health NHS FT) / and as an independent forensic

    Position: Various including: Development & Governance Advisor /Radiographer/ Leadership mentor

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: 
    - Diploma Of the College of Radiographers DCR(R)
    - Higher Diploma of the College of Radiographers (HDCR)
    - MSc Health Services Management
    - Postgraduate Diploma, Diploma and Certificates in Health Services Management
    - City & Guilds Further & Adult Education Teaching certificate
    - College of Radiographers Clinical Tutor’s Certificate

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:
    Various including as:
    - Head of Development and Engagement, NHS Providers (the membership and leadership
    organisation for NHS provider trust boards of directors)
    - Head of Imaging Services /senior clinical lead (NHS trust)
    - NHS General Management positions in Clinical Support Services and Medical Specialities
    - Head of Corporate Affairs and Communications, NHS trust/foundation trust
    - Examination review group member for the International Qualifying Scheme for company
    secretaries and governance professionals, Corporate Governance Institute (formerly
    Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators)

    Mentoring experience: A leadership and management career spanning over 30 years with experience of mentoring colleagues from junior clinical and managerial level through to senior hospital board directors and an active professional interest in educational and professional development with experience
    of mentoring students at undergraduate and Masters level as:
    - Head of Development and Engagement, NHS Providers
    - Mentor for postgraduate health services management students
    Professional Mentoring Scheme, City University of London
    - CV reviewer/advisor, Young Women’s Trust
    - Visiting lecturer, City University Diagnostic Imaging Masters Programme
    - Visiting associate, Cranfield University Forensic Institute

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme?
    A two-way professional learning relationship and to give radiographers confidence to reach
    their leadership potential within the radiographic profession and to realise the breadth of
    career opportunities open to them beyond radiographic management.

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?
    Active participation in the scheme with open and honest two-way communication.

  • Kirsty Wood

    Title, first name and surname: Mrs Kirsty Wood

    Geographic region: Midlands

    Name of workplace: Leeds Trinity University

    Position: Associate Professor- Lead for Allied Health Professions

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: 
    Qualifications: BSc (hons) Diagnostic Radiographer
    PG Cert Medical Image Reporting
    PG Cert Teaching in Higher Education (FHEA)
    MSc Health and Social Care
    Professional Doctorate in Health and Social care- currently undergoing
    Area of research: relationship between radiologists and reporting radiographers in image reporting teams. 

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:
    Module and programme leader at the University of Derby. 2 years as Assistant Head of Discipline (Diagnostic Radiography, Operating Department Practice and Osteopathy), plus 6 months as interim Head of Discipline.

    During this time I was also the chair of the College Awarding gap Group, which made changes at an institutional level. 

    During my time as a leader, I managed several academics at various stages of their academic career. I supported and co-led our team through the impact of COVID. 
    In my current role I have recently been leading the Nursing Practice team, due to a vacancy. I am currently the lead for Allied Health professions, and my role is to develop an AHP portfolio of programmes, research and knowledge exchange at Leeds Trinity University. 

    Mentoring experience. 

    I have had several mentoring roles. In an academic capacity I have been a personal tutor, and a supervisor for undergraduate dissertations. I have been a supervisor for several Masters level dissertations, including in the areas of public health and health and social care, as well as radiography.

    I have mentored new staff members into new higher education roles. Some experienced academics and some new to academia.

    I my previous clinical role, I was the lead for students and was also an individual and group clinical supervisor within the trust.

    I have also had the good fortune to have been supported by excellent mentors throughout my journey, which has enabled me to reflect on what I can offer as a mentor.


    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme and what are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?

    1. I hope to pay forward to excellent support and mentorship I have received in my own development. I have been very fortunate to have been guided by a number of skilful colleagues and managers who have supported me to become the leader that I am. Initially, I was an apprehensive leader, unsure of whether I had the backbone to be in leadership. I was supported and learnt lessons about resilience along my journey. I have focused on people and how to enable them to give their best. I receive high praise for my leadership style.
    2. I hope to be able to support a radiography colleague on their own leadership journey. To be a trusted guide, as they find their way on their leadership journey. I hope that this will empower my radiography colleagues and support the development of our wonderful profession.
  • Kerry Mills

    Title, first name and surname: Mrs Kerry Anne Mills 

    Geographic region: National level of employment but Southwest home based.

    Name of workplace: Workforce, Training and Education Directorate, NHS England

    Position: National Programme Lead – Cancer and Diagnostics

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: 

    BSc (hons) Diagnostic Radiography
    ILM level 3 Leadership and management
    PgCert Emergency Care Practitioner
    PgCert Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
    MSc Professional Development
    Professional Doctorate (Health and Social care) – 2nd year of study

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:

    • Provide clinical & professional leadership to education and training policy, regulations, standards, reform and delivery.
    • Regional and National leadership experience
    • Capable of leading transformational change outside of own organisation to generate successful outcomes across systems.
    • Highly skilled communicator at all levels and for all audiences able to provide and receive, convey and present highly complex and potentially contentious information to large groups, responding to questions to ensure full understanding and engagement.
    • Expert influencer.
    • Successful negotiator displaying high levels of political astuteness to achieve outcomes in difficult and contentious situations.
    • Capable of effective strategic planning over medium to long term timeframes adjusting and planning resourcing accordingly.
    • Demonstrable experience in decision making in complex environments across a range of national initiatives and programmes.
    • Knowledge of central government, especially the Department of Health, Royal Colleges and other ALBs, as the levers of influence and decision making.
    • Knowledge of NHSE decision and governance procedures both nationally and at local level

    Mentoring experience.  This can be formal or informal.  In what capacity was mentoring delivered? (e.g. personal tutor, career advisor, clinical supervisor, PhD supervisor):

    Local level as a clinical practice educator – informal and formal
    Academic level as a personal tutor – informal and formal
    National level as a line manager – informal and formal

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme?

    To develop my own skills as a mentor

    To support others leadership ambitions through my own experiences and insight

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?
    Trust, respect, integrity, authenticity, and a genuine interest in their own leadership development.

  • Lisa Serevena

    Title, first name and surname: Mrs Lisa Serevena

    Geographic region: National (based in the East Midlands)

    Name of workplace: Nuffield Health

    Position: Quality Lead- Diagnostic Radiography

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: 
    BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography 
    BA (Hons) Leadership and Management 
    Ongoing PG Cert MSC Healthcare Leadership
    Edward Jenner Leadership Programme
    QSIR Fundamentals & Practitioner course. 
    Chartered Manager MCMI

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:
    Accomplished chartered manager and leader, with over 20 years of experience in driving clinical quality, patient safety, and regulatory compliance in dynamic healthcare environments. 
    Experience of:
    -    Leading clinical teams and services (including services outside of Radiology) 
    -    Quality Improvement and Project Management
    -    Service redesign and change leadership. 
    -    Performance development and workforce planning.
    -    Conflict management & investigations.
    -    Ambassador 
    -    Opportunity identification and creation.
    -    Policy development.
    -    Crisis management
    -    Voluntary Leadership (STEM Ambassador)
    -    Operational Leadership

    Mentoring experience:

    Clinical supervisor, mentor (formal & informal), clinical supervision, peer support and creating opportunities to share and connect. Ingenuity mentor for projects.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme?
    As a mentor, my goal in participating in this mentoring scheme is to share my knowledge and experiences to help guide and support the growth of my mentee(s). I aim to foster a collaborative environment where I can provide valuable insights, offer guidance on overcoming challenges, and help the mentee develop key skills for their personal and professional success. 

    Additionally, I wish to continue to learn from the fresh perspectives my mentee(s) bring, enabling me to refine my own leadership and coaching abilities. Ultimately, I hope to contribute to their journey while also enriching my own through this mutually beneficial experience.

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?
    I expect my mentee to approach this mentoring scheme with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to learn. I value proactive communication, where the mentee takes initiative in setting goals, seeking feedback, and engaging in meaningful discussions. I also expect them to be committed to their personal and professional development, demonstrating accountability by following through on action plans and reflecting on progress. Mutual respect, honesty, and a collaborative attitude are essential to creating a productive mentoring relationship, where we can both grow and achieve the goals we set together.

  • Adam Turner

    Title, first name and surname: Mr Adam Turner

    Geographic region: South West

    Name of workplace: Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

    Position: Head of Imaging

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: BSc (Hons) Radiography, Currently completing MSc Healthcare Leadership

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management: As the professional lead radiographer across Somerset, I’ve experience in strategic leadership and the management of governance processes, including risk management and PSIRF investigations. I have experience in establishing and managing NHS/independent sector partnerships and played a key role in setting up one of the first community diagnostic centres in the country. I have led on procurement projects and have experience in the installation and commissioning of both new and replacement equipment, including department re-design to improve patient experience. My passion is the development of patient-centred Radiology services and embracing novel ways of working that reduce delays to patient pathways, including the introduction of AI.

    Mentoring experience: As a service lead my mentoring experience is informal and arises from identifying and nurturing talent within our team.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme? As a first time leadership mentor on this scheme, I want to develop coaching skills and explore what value I can add to a mentee’s leadership journey. 

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme? My hope is that my mentee and I can approach this process in an affiliative manner; it’s not just a one way street. I hope to learn just as much from a mentee, as they might gain from me.

  • Paula Brown

    Title, first name and surname: Mrs Paula Brown

    Geographic region: East Midlands

    Name of workplace: Radiotherapy Department, Lincoln County Hospital

    Position: Radiotherapy Services Manager

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: BSc(hons) Radiotherapy, ISO 9001 Advanced lead auditor, EGA Masters in healthcare leadership, mental health first aider

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:Impact and influence, motivation, QI change, people management/HR processes

    Mentoring experience.  This can be formal or informal.  In what capacity was mentoring delivered? (e.g. personal tutor, career advisor, clinical supervisor, PhD supervisor):
    All informal: Clinical supervisor for MSc modules, careers support for staff, student mentor, mentor for mental health support.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme? To pass on tips and knowledge to aid with succession planning for the future of the profession to ensure that the future leaders are well prepared and confident in the roles they apply for.

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?To be curious, enthusiastic, questioning and willing to go outside of their comfort zone to achieve their goals.

  • Peter Sharpe

    Title, first name and surname: Peter Sharpe

    Geographic region: South West

    Name of workplace: TIC Health

    Position: Diagnostics Solutions Director

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: BSc DCR DMS FCR FBIR

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management: I have worked at senior management and at board level, for international healthcare providers, the NHS and not for profit organisations. For the last 14 years I was Chief Executive of Cobalt Health, a medical charity providing diagnostic imaging to supporting the NHS across the UK. During my career, I have gained a range of experience in leadership and management, including finance, business development, people management and governance, from managing the UK division of a large USA healthcare provider to running a small imaging charity. My professional interest has been education and research, I was President of the British Institute of Radiology and chaired the board who organised UKRC. I have learnt a lot in my career, I have not also got everything right by any means, but I believe everyday is a school day, and have enjoyed the various challenges.

    Mentoring experience:
    Formally, I had mentor training when working as a senior manager within the NHS.
    Informally, I have enjoyed supporting a range of colleagues undertaking post graduate
    studies and general personal development.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme?
    I have been fortunate in my career to be supported by so many inspirational leaders, who
    have given their time to help me develop my career. I want to give something back and
    continue to support the profession with the experience have developed.

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?
    I want to be able to help the mentee grow professionally by sharing my experience and

  • Sam Bennett

    Title, first name and surname: Mrs Sam Bennett

    Geographic region: South East (Oxford)

    Name of workplace: GenesisCare Oxford

    Position: Clinical Services Lead, Radiotherapy

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: 
    BSc(Hons) Radiotherapy and Oncology, University of Hertfordshire, 2010-2013
    PGCert Radiotherapy and Oncology, Merit, Sheffield Hallam University
    September 2017-2018

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:
    Extensive expertise in clinical leadership and management within both clinical and nonclinical settings, particularly in radiotherapy and oncology services. With over seven years of leadership experience, including a recent role as Clinical Service Lead at GenesisCare, leading the radiotherapy services, including MR Linac, Conventional Linac, and stereotactic radiosurgery. My leadership acumen encompasses operational excellence, compliance, governance, audit and service development, with a focus on integrated staffing and team engagement. I have consistently driven improvements in cultural and job satisfaction among teams while successfully launching new clinical services and meeting business objectives.

    Mentoring experience:

    Mentoring has been delivered in both formal and informal capacities throughout my career.
    As Lead Therapy Radiographer and Clinical Service Manager, they have played a pivotal role
    in the development, behavioural management, and mentorship of radiographers and other
    clinical staff. I am a dedicated Mentor to our GenesisCare radiographer leadership team and
    have developed an “in house” leadership programme. My approach to mentoring includes
    training team members to ensure high levels of competence and compassion, significantly
    contributing to the success of the services.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme?
    Through participation in this mentoring scheme, I aim to leverage my extensive experience
    in radiotherapy and oncology leadership to support the professional development of
    emerging radiographers and healthcare leaders. I seek to contribute to the growth and
    enhancement of clinical services by sharing best practices in operational excellence, clinical
    governance, and team management. Additionally, I aspire to further refine my own
    leadership skills, stay abreast of emerging trends in the field, and foster a collaborative
    network of professionals dedicated to improving patient care and service delivery within
    radiotherapy and oncology.

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?
    I expect my mentee to demonstrate a strong commitment to their professional development
    and a proactive approach to learning. I value mentees who are open to feedback, eager to
    engage in meaningful discussions, and willing to apply shared insights to their own practice.
    Furthermore, I expect mentees to set clear goals, actively participate in the mentoring
    process, and exhibit dedication to enhancing their leadership and clinical competencies. I
    also appreciate mentees who bring fresh perspectives and are motivated to contribute
    positively to their teams and the broader healthcare environment.

  • Sam Newton

    Title, first name and surname: Ms Sam Newton

    Geographic region: East Anglia

    Name of workplace: Queen Elizabeth Hospital ,Kings Lynn 

    Position: Radiology Services Manager

    Qualifications (professional and/or academic) and field of study: 
    ●    Bsc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography
    ●    Certificate of competence in Mammography
    ●    PGCert  Ultrasound in focused scope of ultrasound ( breast)
    ●    ILM leadership and Management

    Area(s) of expertise in leadership/management:
    I have experience of being a regional lead , as a professional clinical advisor in mammography for the QA reference  centre.

    I have 11 years of experience in leadership and management . Of these the majority were spent as the lead in a breast unit , but in recent times I have experience in divisional management , within a clinical support services operational role, prior to returning back to being a Radiology Services Manager.

    Mentoring experience:

    Whilst within the remit of the breast unit role, I coached/mentored advanced practice students to support them whilst undertaking their qualifications.  My remit has always been one of informal but structured support.  In my  divisional operational role I oversaw many different clinical disciplines , but offered all my reports informal coaching/mentoring to help them deal with sometimes routine, sometimes difficult situations and scenarios . This in turn used my experience to support and develop those individuals.

    What do you wish to achieve through your participation in this mentoring scheme?
    I feel it is  an absolute privilege to be part of this scheme. I am an experienced leader with much to offer and support others.  For myself, I would like to feel that others can use my experience to help them to develop , so in turn I can feel like I’ve given something back to my profession. 

    What are your expectations from your mentee in this scheme?
    I would expect my mentee to have regular time with me , so we can build rapport and work together on their goals and aspirations. I would expect them to come to me within an environment of open and honest discussions. I would expect them to listen, but not necessarily agree with me : sometimes discussion and different viewpoints can be just as beneficial , if not more beneficial than someone who agrees with everything you say or do . I would expect the mentee to see me as someone who they can turn to for support and want to use my experience to grow themselves.

Steering Group 2024-2025

  • Alexandra Lipton
  • Alison Hewitt
  • Charlotte Beardmore
  • Karen Smith
  • Louise Mifsud

Independent Adjudicators

  • Dr Rachel Harris
  • Dr Tracy O'Regan


A useful exercise for mentees would be to assess their leadership skills before and after the pilot; one such assessment tool is provided by the NHS Leadership Academy Healthcare leadership model self-assessment tool.


NHS Leadership Development Programmes

If you would like to learn more about leadership, there are a number of resources at the NHS Leadership Academy. The following leadership programmes are available:

  • Edward Jenner Leadership programme
    A first port of call if you’re looking to build a strong foundation of leadership skills that can help enhance your confidence and competence in your role.
  • Mary Seacole programme
    Recommended for those new into a leadership position, this programme covers the fundamentals of leadership, leading for improvement and management skills.

Setting direction in a mentoring relationship

In this blog post, Coach Mentoring Ltd, outline why setting direction is critical to an effective mentoring relationship.

LMS celebratory event Gallery

We have a range of photos captured at the LMS celebration day that took place at the SoR | CoR HQ in September 2024 to commemorate the end of cohort 4. 

We also have headshot of mentors and mentees that was taken on the day. If you had a headshot taken and would like to receive it, please send a request email to the Digital team with 'LMS Headshot' as the bio.