Clinical support workers and assistant practitioners in imaging or radiotherapy, the SoR needs your help

The SoR will be delivering two new NHS England-commissioned projects and is looking for help from the workforce

Published: 07 May 2024 Assistant practitioners

The SoR is leading the way in empowering the radiography support and assistant workforce, championing their career growth.

The Society recognises their vital role in the multi-disciplinary team delivering safe and effective radiotherapy and clinical imaging services. Over the last two years working with members and external partners, the SoR has produced resources to improve the management, development and deployment of this important part of the radiographic workforce.  

Over the next twelve months the SoR will be delivering two new NHS England-commissioned projects aligned to the national NHS England Allied Health Professions support workforce strategy. 

As well as clinical support workers and assistant practitioners the SoR is looking for people who work with, supervise or manage support or assistive staff to help steer and contribute to this exciting work. 

What do the projects hope to achieve?

  • Identify and raise awareness around how recruiting people from the local community into support and assistant roles can lead to a successful radiographic career  
  • Develop national guidance on the roles and responsibilities of clinical support workers and assistant practitioners in radiotherapy 
  • Produce resources to support safe and effective delegation 
  • Identify the guidance needed to support implementation of the national NHS England Allied Health Profession Support workforce framework and SoR competency and education frameworks
  • Identify common training needs of this group of staff identifying any gaps and how they might be addressed
  • Work with services and education providers to see how apprenticeships might be more extensively mobilised for the radiography support and assistant workforce
  • Consider the scope for (i) the development of new assistant practitioner roles and (ii) the opportunity to spread adoption of existing assistant practitioner roles

Charlotte Beardmore, executive director of professional policy for the SoR, said: "Clinical support workers and assistant practitioners are important members of the team that can help deliver more efficient and effective working. Their contribution is always important but perhaps more so now services are under so much pressure. These projects will allow members to ensure that the supportive and assistive workforce is recognised, and effectively and safely deployed and developed where ever they work. Please join." 

What would be expected of me if I joined these projects?

The projects will start in May 2024 and are due to complete by 31 March 2025 If you join you will have the opportunity to participate in virtual meetings that influence and direct the next steps for our support and assistant workforce. 


  • Virtual meetings
  • Virtual sub-groups 
  • Short surveys
  • Online discussion groups 
  • Opportunity to comment on resources produced

I am interested what do I do next?

Please could you email [email protected] using the subject header SUPPORT WORKFORCE and let them know:

  • Your name
  • Where you work
  • What type of service you work in 
  • Your job title

The deadline to register your interest is 21 June 2024.