Northern Ireland Study Day and AGM: Booking closes soon

The NI Council Study and AGM is taking place on October 12, with a programme focused on focused on mental health and wellbeing

Published: 27 September 2024 Event News

SoR members interested in attending the Northern Ireland Council Study Day and Annual General Meeting must sign up soon, as booking closes 8 October.

Taking place at Lough Erne Resort, Fermanagh, the programme focuses on mental health and the wellbeing of members, and features presentations related to AHP Problem Based Learning, HCPC, students and more.

The Study Day and AGM will be followed by dinner and entertainment, so sign up now via this link.

Continuing professional development

President Tom Weltonand chair of NI Council Ann Tate will open proceedings, before the day of continuing professional development and learning commences.

As part of the day, there will be a session on Ulster University’s first cohort of paramedics to graduate, and one practice educator will discuss their students’ learning experience in a busy clinical imaging department.

The university’s health science department also underwent revalidation in 2024, and a clinical imaging lecture and a radiotherapy and oncology lecturer will update audiences on this process, as well as changes they may impact undergraduate clinical placements.

'Power of the team'

Dr Ram Senasi, who spoke at UKIO in June, will be addressing attendees on “the power of the team”. Meanwhile Florence Milliken, Health and Care Professions Council professional liaison consultant for NI will discuss her role.

Patient experience will also be discussed, with speaker Neil Sutherland having finished his radiotherapy in 2023, and joined protestors on the picket line in September 2023 when campaigning for pay parity with UK radiographers.

For the full programme, price list, and signup link, please click here.

For more information, contact event organiser and member of Northern Ireland Council, Gill Hodges, at [email protected].

(Image: Gill Hodges)