Book your place on free interactive CPD tutorials

Published: 27 July 2016 Ezine

There are still a limited number of spaces available on interactive CPD and CPD Now tutorials run by the Society of Radiographers.

These online sessions will enhance your knowledge of CPD and CPD Now, and a new recently launched course will enable participants to become reflective practitioners who can identify their own strengths and weaknesses, and improve their daily practice.

Each interactive session will be facilitated by a College of Radiographer’s professional officer with experience of supporting ongoing development at both pre- and post-registration levels.

All sessions are included as a benefit of membership of the Society and College of Radiographers and no fee is required.

Click here to register, or visit our course catalogue for a full list of courses. 

Further courses on a range of subjects will be added to this page and to the ‘Resources’ tab of your CPD Now profile, so make sure to check back regularly.