Bullying in the workplace: don’t be afraid to speak out!

Published: 16 December 2015 Ezine

The Society of Radiographers has been continuing its work in combatting bullying in the workplace.

The SoR is concerned that students are still suffering from bullying whilst on clinical placement, having received a number of complaints. 

Bullying can take many forms and the results can be devastating for the victim's physical and mental health.

Students have told the SoR about:

*         being shouted at or humiliated in front of their colleagues,

*         having their work unfairly and repeatedly criticised,

*         being constantly undermined,

*         being separated from their teams,

*         having decent work withheld from them and

*         having gossip spread about them behind their back.

The Society is now aiming to determine the scale and the effects of the problem by gathering your responses in the form of a confidential survey.

Have you been bullied on your clinical placement?

Can you share your story with us to help raise awareness of how damaging this can be?

Responses from clinical lecturers and university lecturers who may have witnessed or been involved in any incidents are also welcomed. 

Click here to complete the survey and make a contribution. 

The deadline for completion is 14 January 2016. The results will be revealed at the 2016 Annual Student Conference.

All responses are confidential.