It is great to see that we have had a lot of new reps accredited recently with those accredited from 1st January having a two year term of office. I thought it would be timely to take this opportunity to highlight some important issues:
HCPC Referrals
If a member tells you that they been referred to the HCPC it is imperative that you tell them to contact Vicky Andrews at SoR HQ immediately (020 7740 7234). It is vital that if the member wishes to be represented by the SoR that we are involved from the outset so if the member fails to contact us straightaway it will compromise the member’s right to representation.
Although preliminary letters from the HCPC will often indicate that no response is required from the member, this does not change the member’s responsibility to let SoR HQ know immediately they have been contacted. Immediately means within 24 hours or the next working day.
Injuries at Work
If a member is injured at work then they mustcontact Vicky Andrews at SoR HQ – (020 7740 7234) as soon as possible. They must also report the accident/injury to the employer using local protocols. This is to safeguard any claim against the employer should it become necessary. Any delay in reporting an accident/injury to us may influence our ability to pursue that claim for compensation.
Patient Complaints
Any patient complaints which might lead to the Trust being involved in litigation must be reported to Liz Robinson at SoR HQ - 020 7740 7236 - before any written statement is made by the member to the employer. The employer cannot force the member to make any statement until they have had a chance to take advice from SoR HQ and it is a requirement of our Professional Indemnity Policy that our insurers see any statements first. As a rep you should ensure members are aware of this requirement and you should direct any member under pressure to give a statement to Liz Robinson.
The SoR web pagehas advice on the conditions of the professional indemnity policy as well as guidance on making a statement.
Members who recognise they are part of a situation that might become a patient complaint in the future should make a private handwritten note of the facts for their own benefit and recall later if interviewed and contact Liz using the above contact details.
Court Cases/Coroners Court
If a member is called as a witness in any patient related court case, they should contact Liz Robinson at SoR HQ(020 7740 7236) before making any statement to anyone including their employer.
If members are contacted by solicitors by phone they should ask for all contact to be by email or letter.
We fully appreciate the hard work reps undertake to represent SoR members but these are areas we do not expect you to deal with other than to make sure the member is fully aware of the need to contact us as a matter of urgency. If ever in doubt always contact your regional/national officer to discuss.
This articlereinforces the points made above – please encourage your members to read it.
Thank you very much for all your continued hard work and commitment to the SoR.
Paul Moloney
Industrial Relations Manager