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It’s that time again – apply for your World Radiography Day pack!

Published: 03 September 2018 Ezine

Contents of this year’s pack to help departments promote the profession include a new set of posters designed by SoR members, as well as radiography careers leaflets and cards, stickers, balloons, novelty owls, a Public and Patient Liaison Group recruitment poster, and ‘Guess the Object’ competition leaflets.

World Radiography Day is celebrated on 8 November every year, marking the anniversary of the discovery of x-radiation by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895. Radiographers worldwide are encouraged to use the day to promote radiography as a career and a vital contribution to modern healthcare, as well as an opportunity to increase public awareness of diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy.

The closing date to apply for a pack is 25 September and they will be despatched by 14 October.

To order, vist