Ruth Strudwick, the editor of the Society’s annual ‘blue-sky thinking’ title, Imaging & Oncology, launched the 2019 edition at this year’s UKIO Congress.
This issue features articles from the brightest and best of the profession including:
- An Overview of the Types and Applications of Simulation-based Education within Diagnostic Radiography and Ultrasound at Two Higher Education Institutions - Naomi Shiner, Voyin Pantic
- The Role of Simulation within an Undergraduate Radiotherapy Programme: The Experiences of One Higher Education Institution Lou Codd, Lynne Gordon, Sue Murray
- Quality and the Patient Experience Christine Woodgate
- Whole Body Computed Tomography - A Reflection on Selection Protocols in Trauma
- Charlotte Wright, Christopher Cobb
- Improving Retention in Therapeutic Radiography Professor John Clark, Professor Mary J Lovegrove OBE, Jan Zietara
- Patient Engagement in Radiography: What Can We Learn from Patient Stories? Dr Leslie Robinson, Sandra A Mathers
- Appreciating Complexity and the Art of Managing Polarities - Leading Workforce Transformation at Scale Beverley Harden
- Magnetic Resonance Image Guided Radiotherapy (MRiGRT) Helen A McNair
- Direct Entry Ultrasound: Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Routes. The Unique Perspectives of Two HEIs Gareth Bolton, Lorelei Waring, Helen White, Helen Brown
- Social Prescribing: The Cultivation of Community Referral in Clinical Imaging and Radiotherapy Dr Tracy O’Regan
- Developing Resilience in Newly Qualified Radiographers Dr Jane Harvey-Lloyd
- Reporting Standards: A Conundrum Professor Bev Snaith
The current, and all the editions since it was first published in 2005, can be found at