Staff at Milton Keynes are celebrating after their hard work and effort has paid off with the granting of ISAS (Imaging Services Accreditation Scheme) accreditation.
Michaela Wilson, acting imaging services lead at the trust, explains how the three year process has involved a lot of hard work but has been worthwhile in the end.
“When looking into working processes it was often commented that ‘this is how we have done this for years,’ she says.
"Working for our ISAS accreditation has given us the opportunity to get our processes in order with version control so we can identify when and why processes have changed over the years.
“The hardest part is getting staff involved and meeting deadlines, which is where you need a good organiser to keep following up on actions, log what’s happening and make sure people understand their responsibilities.
"Having a dedicated ISAS lead and a robust IT system to document the process is critical in this respect.”
Another important element is making sure the department and team buy into the process.
“When you first start out, some staff look at the process as a tick box exercise, but soon the team will begin to realise the benefits of audit and how processes can be changed for the better. You need to cultivate a culture of ISAS within your team,” Michaela comments.
The team at Milton Keynes also reached out to other departments in the trust during the process to understand how they work and to share any learning opportunities. This was helpful in gaining a different perspective away from radiology and to work collaboratively.
Are you thinking of applying for accreditation for your department?
“It’s hard work!” said Michaela, “but formalising your processes can transform your service and lay the groundwork for delivering better patient care.”