The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) wants to appoint allied health professionals to sit on panels to hear appeals against final recommendations in the technology appraisal (new drugs and other technologies used in the NHS) and highly specialised technologies (the evaluation of technologies for treating patients with very rare diseases and very complex healthcare needs) programmes.
When an appeal is submitted an appeal panel comprising five members is drawn from those appointed to hear NICE appeals.
Appointees will need to have an ability to draw out and articulate a balanced view on the issues arising from an appeal that are relevant to patients, carers and/or members of the public, and an ability to critique and weigh up competing arguments and make decisions (sometimes difficult ones) in meetings that are open to the public. Appeal panels are established infrequently and appointees may only need to sit on a panel two to three times a year.
NICE welcome applications from interested parties.
The deadline for applications is midnight Monday, 2 October 2017.