Details of the terms and conditions of service for staff working in the NHS in England, as well as joint union guidance on the pay progression system, have been published.
Both are effective from 1 April this year.
The pay progression system is part of the 2018 NHS pay framework agreement and applies to new starters and current staff when they are promoted to a new role.
Written for staff side union representatives, the introduction to the pay progression guidance reminds reps that “Under this new system pay progression will no longer be annual, nor automatic and will be subject to staff meeting national standards. For all other Agenda for Change who were in post before 1 April 2019, current organisational pay progression procedures will continue to apply until 31 March 2021, and then they too will be subject to the new provisions.”
The terms and conditions documenthas been produced by the NHS Staff Council to provide information about how the pay structure is changing in year two of the agreement and what the changes mean for individuals.