A working group, which includes the College of Radiographers and other allied health professions, has launched a set of principles for continuing professional development (CPD) and lifelong learning.
They are intended to guide individuals, employers and wider systems to create a culture of continuous improvement, workforce development and improve outcomes for patients.
The five principles are that CPD and Lifelong Learning should;
Louise Coleman, the Society professional officer for education and accreditation, said, "People working in healthcare operate in a changing, challenging and complex environment. Practising safely and effectively, now and in the future, is essential.
"These principles are central to the CoR's own definition of CPD and form the basis of reflective practice."
Other AHPs who have worked on the principles document include the professional bodies and trades unions for paramedics, operating department practitioners, art therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, orthoptists, dietitians, prosthetists and orthotists, occupational therapists, music therapists, and AHPF Scotland.
See Principles for continuing professional development and lifelong learning in health and social care in the document library.