Celebrations to mark a quarter century of publishing in the peer-reviewed journal’s current format include the unveiling of a new cover design, as well a birthday cake at a recent editorial board meeting.
Over the past 25 years, the journal has been guided by Dr Brian Bentley, Professors Peter Hogg and Richard Price, and the current editor-in-chief, Professor Julie Nightingale. All have been ably assisted by teams of associate editors and reviewers.
“I am tremendously proud to have been associated with the journal, initially as an author and reviewer, then editorial board member, and as editor from 2014,” Julie said.
The journal has coped well with many challenges over the years, including, as Julie explained, “The first was undoubtedly embracing technology. I remember my first ever article that I submitted, which was returned to me some time later in a large envelope with three print copies, each with hand-written notes from the reviewers.
“Our current turnaround times for handling articles online are, not surprisingly, significantly faster!”
The increasing amount of research activity by the profession is reflected in the submissions, which are increasingly multi-author, multi-centre and with an international authorship.
Radiography has had some real successes in recent times, the most notable being the long-awaited recognition via acceptance into the Medline index and being accepted as the official professional journal of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies and the Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Technology.
Sue Webb, President of the SoR commented, “I am so pleased to be able to say a few words about Radiography, which has gone from strength to strength since it was first published 25 years ago.
“I and many others have used it during research into a wide range of radiological procedures and to keep up to date with new innovations and techniques.
“I would like to wish Julie Nightingale, and all involved in the journal, a very Happy Anniversary and a fabulous future; carry on with all your great work.”
Julie took the opportunity to give appreciation to all those involved with the publication: “I would like to thank our editorial board for all their contributions.
“I would also personally like to thank our associate editors Jonathan McNulty, Andrew England and Helen McNair for their enthusiasm and hard work, and Cathi O'Hara (executive publisher) and Rachel Gibson (journal manager) for their advice and guidance.”
She continued “It is important to recognise that much of our journal's success can be attributed to the proactive and at times daring approach of our journal's sponsor, the College of Radiographers.
“Our regular meetings with the College Board of Trustees and the SoR Council have been encouraging, and in particular we would like to thank Charlotte Beardmore and Richard Evans, and Professor Audrey Paterson previously, for their shared ambition to enable our journal to be the leading international journal for radiographers across the world.”