Suspension order extended for incompetent radiographer

Published: 04 December 2019 Ezine

At a second review hearing since an original suspension order was made two years ago, a conduct and competence committee has concluded that a radiographer's suspension order should be extended for a further 12 months.

Wilson Huelgas, who originally qualified in 1994, was suspended on the grounds of public protection and the wider public interest.

Previous Health and Care Professions Council Tribunal Service panels heard that Mr Huelgas attended an interview with the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust at which he was unable to demonstrate adequate knowledge of radiography procedures, and that his lack of competency posed a risk to patients.

At the interview, Mr Huelgas could not answer questions in relation to ionising radiation, MRI contra-indications, IV contrasts, creatinine levels, data protection, or quality assurance procedures.

During the most recent review hearing on 12 November 2019, the panel concluded that 'on the grounds of public protection and the wider public interest, the appropriate sanction is an extension to the existing Suspension Order for a period of 12 months.'

Mr Huelgas was neither present nor represented at the hearing.

More details about the hearing and suspension.