If you have been thinking about starting a journal club but unsure where to start, the ‘Top 10 Tips’ leaflet from CAHPRcould give you the confidence to take the plunge.
A journal club can be a useful way to join together a group of like-minded professionals to consider evidence formally or informally - and it is great CPD.
“Try to find ways to offer something for people with all levels of experience and promote the idea that attending will improve appraisal skills”, the leaflet suggests.
“A well-run journal club will equally offer something for those less familiar with article reviewing, but still challenge the more familiar.”
Considering when, where and why are three of the initial questions you should consider before beginning. Formal or informal? How frequently will you hold it and where should you advertise it. All important questions to consider before you begin.
Advice surrounding topic selection, group leadership techniques and collaboration are also covered.
Finally, readers are advised of the importance of journal clubs in the grand scheme of CPD, “Remember to reflect discussions back to the implications for practice and include a summary of discussions into your CPD portfolio.”
The Council for Allied Health Professions Research supports radiographers and other AHPs to take the first steps, as well as providing opportunities for learning, sharing, networking and collaborations.
The Society is one of 13 AHP organisations that are part of CAHPR and the Society’s professional and education manager, Dr Rachel Harris, is the current chair of the Council’s steering committee.
Regional hubs hold face-to-face and online events and provide support locally. There are also other downloadable ‘how to’ leaflets which include topics such as:
You can read the full document of tips and tricks for running a journal club by clicking this link.