The legal and standards framework for the administering and managing of medicines in departments is complex – and getting more so.
The CQC and other regulators expect there to be clear and robust policies and procedures in place, backed-up by clear evidence that they are being followed.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency says that effective medicines management is: The clinical, cost-effective and safe use of medicines to ensure patients get the maximum benefit from the medicines they need, while at the same time minimising potential harm.
The Managing Medicines in Imaging and Radiotherapy Departments webinar will be hosted by Sue Johnson, SoR professional officer with lead responsibility for medicines, and Dianne Hogg, programme manager, Chief Professions Officers’ Medicines Mechanisms Programme at NHS England.
During the course of the webinar, they will bring you the latest information and guidance for medicines management specifically relating to imaging and radiotherapy departments.
What will the webinar cover?
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarifications about topics such as:
Click here to book your place on this ‘must attend’ webinar.
Date and time: 2–3pm, 12 February 2019
Cost: £39 - payment online by credit/debit card only
Registration for the webinar closes on 6 February so book now to secure your place. Full joining details will be sent once the booking and payment have been received.
Any questions about the webinar content, please contact Sue Johnson.