Press release: Society of Radiographers' response to Darzi Report

The Society of Radiographers has released a statement regarding the Darzi Report

Published: 12 September 2024 Government & NHS

The Society of Radiographers has shared a statement responding to Lord Darzi's report on the state of the National Health Service in England, published on Thursday (12 September). 

Dean Rogers, director of industrial strategy for the Society of Radiographers, said: "The Society of Radiographers welcomes the Darzi Report. In particular, we welcome its recognition of the scale of the problems our members have been facing, enduring and discussing – including during our industrial action last year. 

"Lord Darzi’s findings won’t come as much of a shock to anyone who has been listening to this discussion – and it certainly won’t be a surprise to anyone who works in the NHS.

"However, the three pillars outlined by the prime minister are only aspirations at this stage. We need a plan showing us how to get there.

"We want to ensure that the voice of radiographers is heard during the process of developing that plan. We want to see lasting, sustainable change, and an end to short-term political meddling in the NHS.  

"Everyone who cares about the NHS will need to be actively engaged in saving it. We can direct politicians to our islands of excellence and help them understand why these exist in some places and not others. This has to be a positive partnership effort.

"We also need to be honest and brave. No sacred cows should remain unchallenged. This will be uncomfortable. We can only achieve it by making sure that this rebuilding project remains firmly anchored in the NHS’s founding principles. These remain secure, and should be what we build out from and measure ourselves against. 

"There is nothing wrong with the NHS’s founding values – and we know that it is the dedication and professionalism of its staff that have kept the NHS alive, and will continue to be crucial in the future."