The Health and Care Professions Council is reminding its members to complete a diversity survey to better understand its registrants and inform future decisions and policies.
The diversity data survey is to ensure that the regulator HCPC’s work is non-discriminatory and accessible to all.
It takes less than 20 minutes of your time, and is an anonymous, multi-variate, statistical analysis of its members.
The HCPC holds 5.9 per cent of its registrants’ diversity data and wants to improve this to better understand the different groups of people under its regulation.
The regulator says in its FAQs that the data will allow registrants to hold the HCPC ‘to account’ in how groups with differing characteristics are impacted by its decisions.
Registrants are not obligated to answer any questions they are not comfortable with and it is encouraged that you answer prefer not to say in those instances.
All HCPC members should have received a reminder email by the end of this week. It will contain a link to the survey with a unique survey ID number which is not the same as your registrant number.
The survey closes March 2021.