The recruitment of more inspectors and greater frequency of visits to radiology departments and radiotherapy centres are key recommendations from the International Atomic Energy Authority following a review visit to all four countries of the UK.
The international team of safety experts from the Agency's Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) found that all UK regulatory authorities for ionising radiations in the UK* have dedicated and competent staff and publish extensive guidance.
However, regulators should improve the oversight of medical exposures which do not involve the administration of radioactive substances, and the authorities should develop long term inspection programmes.
"The SCoR has welcomed the IRRS report and look forward to any opportunities to work more closely with the regulatory bodies," Maria Murray, the Society's lead officer for radiation protection matters, said.
The Society particularly welcomes the following recommendations from the report:
Maria said, "The last point could refer to radiation protection supervisors who may currently receive training from service providers, which are not approved by any regulatory body. We believe our members would find it very helpful to be able to access approved training providers."
The report also noted that IR(ME)R is due to be reviewed in 2022 "to ensure it continues to achieve its objectives and aligns with international standards." The Society will raise awareness of any changes required following the review.
The IRRS report may be downloaded and content of particular interest for radiographers includes:
* The regulator bodies include the Health and Safety Executive (HSE and HSENI) and the IR(ME)R inspectors from the four UK countries: Care Quality Commission (CQC), Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), Healthcare Improvement Wales (HIW), and the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA).