Society of Radiographers' new breast imaging group officially launches

The special interest group aims to connect radiography professionals to share knowledge about breast imaging specialties

Published: 02 September 2024 Imaging

Noelle Clerkin, advanced practitioner and lead clinical practice educator and PhD fellow at the University of Suffolk, has launched a Society of Radiographers Breast Imaging Special Interest Group.

The Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to connect radiographers and assistant practitioners working in breast imaging across the UK and Ireland, with the goal of sharing standards for education and practice to optimise breast cancer detection and the delivery of treatment.

The SIG also aims to have a representative for each region, who would promote both the SIG and the Society and College of Radiographers on a more local level.

Noelle created the group after experiencing recruitment challenges relating to her doctoral studies. Now, the group features members from across the UK and Ireland that share expertise on specialties within breast imaging. The practitioners within the group will also provide support to future research endeavours.

As part of the SIG's mission, webinars will be delivered that will give members the opportunity to deliver proposals, present case studies and discuss research findings.

Opportunities to share knowledge

Those interested in joining the Breast Imaging SIG can read more about the group - and inquire about joining - here.

"Collaboration amongst members will provide the opportunity to undertake national studies with the hope of publishing findings," said a statement on the SIG page. "This group has the potential to collate a census of practitioners, providing the opportunity to tap into the wealth of expertise and knowledge.

"This group is aimed at radiographers who are actively working for the UK breast imaging symptomatic and screening services. If you're well versed in this field and are looking for other individuals within the same area, then this will be the place for you."

The Breast Imaging SIG is one of the latest SIG's to launch, following the classification of the Professional Alliance of Indian Radiographers (PAIR) as an SoR SIG last week.

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