CoR and RCR launch updated QSI quality improvement scheme: ‘innovative, collaborative, superior’

The Quality Standard for Imaging scheme has received an update and refresh to ensure ongoing, high-quality assessment of imaging services

Published: 01 July 2024 Imaging

The Quality Standard for Imaging scheme has received an update and refresh to ensure ongoing, high-quality assessment of imaging services

Now re-launched the Quality Standard for Imaging Quality Mark scheme, a collaboration between the College of Radiograpers (CoR) and the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) will unlock greater benefits and support for imaging services seeking accreditation, said the CoR.

The updated scheme is designed to support imaging services in delivering changes which benefit frontline teams and patients alike. The scheme is now open for registration by imaging services.

Charlotte Beardmore, executive director of professional policy for the SoR | CoR, said: “We are thrilled to introduce our innovative QSI scheme, fostering a collaborative approach to quality enhancement. I am certain our robust processes and ample resources will facilitate a superior scheme, enriching the support we extend to services adopting the QSI.”

The scheme now includes a QSI Hub, which provides a range of support resources that will help to progress in meeting the QSI standards. Members will also be appointed a Quality Improvement Partner who will provide dedicated advice, and monitor your progress.

There is also an in-house assessment scheme to gain the QSI Quality Mark. More information can be found here.

The RCR and CoR have also adopted a new ethos, marking a move away from traditional methods and toward a more “effective and sustainable” path to quality improvement.

Key benefits include:

·        Enabling peer support by beginning services together

·        An easier way sharing best practice

·        Formal recognition of quality for services and stakeholders

Imaging services interested in implementing the QSI and enhancing the quality of their services can now register to join the new scheme.

QSI sets out best practice to improve patient care and outcomes, and is a developmental standard that supports providers of imaging services to be invested in a continuous quality improvement journey.

It allows services to evaluate their performance and develop where needed to continually improve patient experience and outcomes.

The Quality Standard for Imaging was developed by panels of lay representatives, radiographers, radiologists, medical physicists, and sonographers who have overseen its creation and revision. It reflects wide consultation received from professional colleagues, relevant UK government agencies and professional and regulatory bodies.

Dr Katharine Halliday, RCR president, said: “We’re delighted to launch our new QSI Quality Mark scheme and ensure a partnership approach to quality improvement. I’m confident that we have the processes and resources to deliver a high-quality scheme that enhances the support we provide to services implementing the QSI.”