Could you be an ambassador for the Personalised Care Institute ?

Call for radiographers, sonographers and associated professionals with a passion for personalised care and/or social prescribing

Published: 27 October 2022 Patients

The Personalised Care Institute (PCI), who provide free training and resources to support health and care professionals to deliver personalised care, is looking for ambassadors to promote its work.

They are keen to hear from radiographers, sonographers and associated professionals who have a passion for personalised care and/or social prescribing to join the PCI Personalised Care Ambassador Programme and share their learning with their peers. 

Why become an ambassador?

Being part of the Personalised Care Ambassador Programme will open up a range of professional opportunities for you as we work together to demonstrate the value of personalised care. It will also benefit healthcare professionals and patients by showing what good personalised care looks like and what impact it can have on patients and clinicians.

As a Personalised Care Ambassador, you’ll get: 

  • Your picture and biography featured in a new section of the PCI website 
  • The chance to submit blogs for the PCI website, quotes for our social media channels and comments to appear in our press releases to the media 
  • Support materials such as template slide decks and social media assets to help you communicate to your colleagues and followers 
  • Access to free training courses 
  • The chance to network and collaborate with like-minded HCPs who share your passion for personalised care 

All we’d like in return is: 

  • Your support to help spread the word about the importance of personalised care and the value of PCI’s highly-rated free training courses and resources – find out more here 
  • Your commitment that you will complete at least one of the PCIs courses so that you can talk about it honestly and openly. Our short courses are only 30 mins long and we receive excellent feedback from our learners – click the link above to find out more 
  • The promise you will support and uphold the values and integrity of the PCI

Ideal ambassador criteria 

Our ideal ambassador criteria used for scoring applications are:

  • Passionate about the subject matter (personalised care) 
  • Good writing skills (ideally with previous experience of producing blogs, publications or articles for the media and industry outlets 
  • Well-connected and can use this to promote free personalised care training courses - this could be due to a large audience on social media or a strong in-person network, locally or nationally 

Time commitment and remuneration 

Please note, involvement in the programme is voluntary. 

The programme has been developed to ensure flexibility and involvement in a non-onerous fashion, with an estimated time involvement of a maximum of half a day per month. We hope the programme will benefit participants through career development opportunities such as public speaking activities, publications, and others.

How to apply 

If this sounds like it could be of interest, please complete the application form

Closing date: Friday 25 November 2022