A keynote session, AI and patient centred care in radiography, will be given by the SoR’s Dr Rachel Harris and Dr Tracy O’Regan at a free online event.
Patient centred care in the era of artificial intelligence and technological innovation, is being hosted by City, University of London and will discuss new developments led by research, policy and practice.
It will take place on 8 July from 9am - 6pm.
Sessions include:
- The ethics of artificial intelligence - Professor Maryann Hardy, professor of radiography and imaging, University of Bradford
- The position of EFRS on AI for radiography - Dr Jonathan McNulty, president, European Federation of Radiographer Societies
- How will AI change radiography education - Dr Christina Malamateniou, postgraduate programme director for radiography, City, University of London
- AI in fetal ultrasound - Ms Jackie Matthew, PhD student, King’s College London and City, University of London
- AI in radiography reporting - Dr Nick Woznitza, clinical academic reporting radiographer, Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Parents centred care in antenatal imaging - Mrs Emily Skelton, PhD student, City, University of London and King’s College London
- Patient centred care in Europe - Dr Andrew England, senior lecturer in radiography, Keel University and European Federation of Radiographer Societies
Click to register and see the full programme.