Are you prepared for Ionising Radiation Medical Exposure Amendments 2024?

The IR(ME)R Amendments 2024 statutory instrument was laid before parliament last week, and is due to come into force on 1 October

Published: 16 September 2024 Radiation protection

The Ionising Radiation Medical Exposure Regulations 2017 have been updated following a parliamentary session earlier this month (3 September).

Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) (Amendments) Regulations 2024 Statutory Instrument legislation are now due to come into force on 1 October 2024.

A wide range of improvements have been made to the regulations, in line with recommendations from the 2022-2023 post-implementation review, to better reflect current healthcare delivery practices.

Amendments and adjustments

Updates to the regulations include:

  • Amending a number of definitions within the 2017 Regulations including expanding the meaning of ‘equipment’ to include any software which directly assists the operator in carrying out a clinical evaluation
  • Inserting a new regulation 6A (Employer’s duties: cooperation between employers) which obliges employers to cooperate with each other by exchanging information, or otherwise
  • Amending the training requirements for practitioners and operators set out in table 2 of Schedule 3 (Adequate Training) the 2017 Regulations

A number of other technical and/or minor amendments have also been included. The SoR has advised members to look through the full amendments in more detail.

To support interpretation of the new provisions, the Department of Health and Social Care’s IR(ME)R 2017 guidance has also been updated, and can be accessed here.

Updated guidance for Northern Ireland will follow in due course.

Are you prepared?

Over the coming months the Society will be updating SoR professional guidance and working with partners to update joint professional body guidance to reflect the new provisions and key points relating to their practical application.

The Society is encouraging all radiographers working with ionising radiation to take the time to read the amendments, to ensure services are prepared for commencement in October.

For more information or advice, or to join the Radiation Protection Forum, please contact Lynda Johnson [email protected] or Julie Rankin [email protected].

(Image: photo by owngarden via GettyImages)