The ASRT Foundation is offering a research grant to fund a project undertaken by a US researcher and an international researcher. SoR members are being encouraged to apply.
Funded by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Foundation, which supports grants for imaging and radiation therapy professionals, this grant is an International Collaborative Research Grant.
As part of the grant, the ASRT Foundation will match a US-based researcher with an international researcher and fund a research project lasting a maximum of two years. Up to $50,000 worth of funding will be available for successful proposals.
SoR researchers are encouraged to submit their proposal ideally together with a US collaborator, but applications are welcomed from those without a US research partner. For those without a collaborator in the US, the ASRT will aim to match you and link you with a US collaborator if successful.
The findings from the research will be submitted to each researchers’ organisations’ peer-reviewed journal - in the UK, the Radiography journal - and also presented at their respective annual conferences.
To be eligible for the grant, each researcher must have three years of membership with their respective society and continue to hold that membership throughout the project. They must also hold active diagnostic or therapeutic radiography qualifications in their respective country and have been a principal investigator on at least one research study before.
A proposal must be submitted that outlines the aim of the project. Project proposals must be submitted by an individual with one co-investigator. One member of the duo must be named as principal investigator (PI) for the project.
The researcher's initial application deadline is 30 June. If invited to submit a full proposal, this must be submitted by 31 October. Applicants will be notified by the foundation of their funding status on 31 November.
Charlotte Beardmore, SoR executive director of professional policy, encouraged SoR members to sign up.
"For the second year, this research grant presents an incredible opportunity for a UK research radiographer to join forces with a researcher from the ASRT,” she said. “Don't miss out on this exciting chance to collaborate and make a significant impact for the radiography profession.
"I’d like to thank the ASRT foundation for offering this international research collaboration."
To find out more about the International Collaborative Research Grant, click here.