We are seeking to recruit members to join the SoR at a critical stage on our journey to becoming a more inclusive and anti-racist membership organisation.
Opportunities exist for you to join either our Joint Equalities Task Group or as an Observer on either UK Council or College Board of Trustees.
Meeting remotely up to five times a year, the group is overseeing the implementation of recommendations from a recent equality, diversity, and inclusion audit. You will help with the development, implementation and review of diversity, equality, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) policies and strategies for the Society.
You will attend board meetings in an observer capacity, meeting remotely up to six times per year. Even though you won’t have voting rights, you will have every opportunity to influence, and bring your expertise and objectivity to the table.
We expect you to bring your candid and transparent perspective and you will be well equipped to spot and raise key issues. We would like you to amplify the member voice at board level and help us maintain momentum on this critical DEIB journey.
If you are interested in either of these roles, please see www.sor.org/jobs for full details. The application deadline for both opportunities is noon on Tuesday 21 March.
You need no prior experience in this area, just an openness to share your member perspective and a commitment to fostering inclusive practices.