The Society of Radiographers is pleased to announce members in Northern Ireland have voted overwhelmingly to accept the Department of Health pay proposal.
99.5% of members who voted accepted the deal which allows for pay parity with England. The SoR has been campaigning for parity for the past five years.
Other health trade unions in Northern Ireland have also accepted the deal, which will see some members receive an increase in salary of more thn 20%. Starting rates of pay across the bands will increase, Band 1 will be removed, and there will be complete reform and refresh of Agenda for Change pay-scales, with fewer points to reach the top of bands.
The health minister for Northern Ireland, Robin Swann, promised that if the pay deal was accepted, radiographers and other health service workers would receive back pay in March 2020, or with their April pay at the latest.
Leandre Archer, the Society's national officer for Northern Ireland, said, ‘Today is a great day for our members. They are finally being awarded the pay that they very rightly deserve.
"The implementation of this deal will not only make a positive difference to our member’s finances but also to recruitment and retention of radiographers in Northern Ireland."
She continued, "This is a good news story and an example of how membership of a health trade union can really make a real difference to member’s salaries and terms and conditions, ensuring a workforce which is fit for the future."
Dean Rogers, the Society's director of industrial relations, said, “This is a great win for all of our members in Northern Ireland, who have stood tall and firm together under the excellent leadership of our network of reps and Leandre Archer.
"This success is an example of good old fashioned trade unionism; our members standing together with colleagues in other unions and collectively bringing an unfairness to the forefront of public attention.
"Having won the argument with the public, winning over the politicians followed. It is never easy to take a stand but sometimes it’s necessary, even inevitable, and at such times being part of the union is essential. There was no other way that we could have gained this result.
"Now we will build upon this progress and continue to argue for safer staffing levels and continued recognition of the importance of radiographers to delivering better, stronger health provision across Northern Ireland.”