The Insight Student Writing Competition 2024 is now open for entries!

This is your chance to be published and win cash prizes! Enter by 2 September 2024

Published: 10 June 2024 Students

Make the most of your work as a student radiographer by entering the annual Insight Student Writing Competition - with cash prizes!

Insight is the official CPD publication of the Society and College of Radiographers and you can view copies of previous editions here. We aim to provide an opportunity for radiographers to write about professional and educational subjects that have a direct bearing on their clinical role, sharing information, ideas and CPD opportunities relevant to the science and practice of diagnostic radiography and therapeutic radiography.

Who can enter?

Entries can be submitted by a student or recently qualified radiographer, or on their behalf by Higher Education Institutions. The work must have been completed while a pre-registration radiography student, and the author must be a current member of the SoR.

The five winning authors will see their work featured in a special edition of Insight magazine in December. They will also receive cash prizes, with a first prize of £250, second prize of £150, third prize of £100, fourth prize of £75, and fifth prize of £50.

Staff from HEIs may submit up to four papers on behalf of their students and act as the corresponding author.

Read the winning articles from 2023 in this digital copy of Insight magazine

How to enter

The entry period is now open and you need to email your articles to [email protected] by 9am on 2 September 2024.

All submissions will be reviewed by the Insight Editorial Board and the highest scoring papers published in December. Some revisions to papers may be requested prior to publication. The judges' decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Submitting your entry

Tell us your name, year, course and higher education institution, and include your mobile phone number in case we need to contact you quickly regarding your entry.

We are keeping the submission rules as straightforward as possible. Simply send us a piece of your own written work that was submitted as part of your radiography course, improved and developed as you think necessary, or you can write a completely new article. It could also be a poster or a piece of patient information. All submissions must follow these basic guidelines:

  • References should be presented in the Vancouver style, numerically in the text in the order they first appear, and listed at the end of the article in the same order.
  • The article should be clearly structured, with subheadings where relevant, and the word count of the main text around 2,000 - 2,500 words.
  • Charts and tables should be submitted as editable text and not in image formats.
  • Illustrations, figures and images should be submitted as separate files. They should be referenced in the main text where they would appear on publication with the relevant captions. Figures should be numbered consecutively as they first appear (eg Figure 1, Figure 2 etc) and the corresponding files should be named accordingly.
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Although cases used in any publication will be anonymised, GDPR requires consent for the use of clinical details and images prior to publication. There are specific requirements for gaining consent and it is advisable to contact your own Information Governance department, for advice on the process to be followed within your own organisation.

If you have any queries about the above points, please email the editor at [email protected].

We look forward to receiving your entries!