The Student Radiographer Podcast episodes four and five live now

The latest episodes of the Student Radiographer Podcast discuss clinical placements

Published: 07 February 2025 Students

The Student Radiographer Podcast has released episodes four and five online now, discussing clinical placements in both diagnostic and therapeutic radiography.

Episode four and five focuse on clinical placements specifically in radiography, with episode four focusing on diagnostic radiography and episode five on therapeutic.

In episode four host and third year diagnostic radiography student Rebekah Vyce interviews guest Poppy Ulett, fellow third year diagnostic radiography student.

Episode five features host and third year therapuetic radiography student Connor Parish interviewing third year therapeutic radiography student Charlotte Hayward.

The pair discuss common student concerns, share tips sent in by students, radiographers and from their own experiences on how best to “prepare, survive and thrive” during diagnostic radiography clinical placements.

'There's a lot unknown'

Ms Vyce, along with co-hosts Connor Parish 'CJ' (3rd year therapeutic radiography student) and Alice Denslow (2nd year diagnostic radiography apprentice), explained that clinical placements are a formative element of undergraduate radiography courses.

They said: “We thought it was important to tackle this subject on the podcast from the student point of view. Clinical placements can be a hugely daunting prospect for radiography students at all stages of training, where the pressures and expectations are high. 

“You may be commuting or living in a new place, working tiring shift patterns, juggling other life commitments and academic workload, and there’s a lot of unknown about what to expect and how each placement is going to play out.”

While placements should be a “hugely exciting time” with “fantastic opportunities” to experience the job firsthand, students still tend to hear rumours about the negative aspects more than the positive.

The Student Radiographer Podcast is hoping dispel those rumours and focus on the good experiences, reassuring and encouraging students with what they’ve learnt along the way.

Prepare, survive and thrive

“In summary: how best to prepare, how best to survive, and how best to thrive!” the hosts added. “We hope that these two episodes (Episode 4: Diagnostic, and Episode 5: Therapeutic) help take some of the unknown out of the equation and give examples of how students can use their voices throughout to aid wellbeing, ease logistics, form productive professional relationships, ask for help, and ultimately, hopefully have a really great experience!”

The team said: “Poppy and Charlotte bring great insight and wisdom from their placement experiences to add to our own. We are very grateful for their time and enthusiasm to help us tackle this huge subject and couldn’t have done it without them!”

Advice and understanding

Blu Evans, content editor for the SoR, added: “Thanks to the SoR’s Student Network, we’re able to have a team of passionate students willing to spearhead our new venture into the world of radiography podcasting. We’re aware that our student members need content that they can not only relate to but also turn to when in need of advice or understanding; and Rebekah, Alice and CJ, are doing a tremendous job at providing this.”

Part two about therapeutic radiography clinical placements was released on all platforms on Friday 7 February.

These episodes of the Student Radiographer Podcast continue to push the team’s vision of informing, empowering, equipping, encouraging and “giving voice” to student radiographers from across the UK.

Prospective students as well as student radiographers from first through fourth year, whether diagnostic or therapeutic, full-time, part-time, apprentice, or anything in-between are encouraged to listen now, and send in their own questions or concerns.

Listen to the Student Radiographer Podcast on all major streaming platforms.