The Community for Allied Health Professionals Research is seeking participants in a survey to discover the number of Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) working in joint academic and service provider contracts.
Developed as part of the Community for Allied Health Professions Research (CAHPR) Accelerator Project 2024 (CAP24), the survey is being hosted by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists on behalf of CAHPR.
The survey seeks to generate accurate intelligence of the AHP Practitioner-Academic (Clinical-Academic workforce) across the UK.
Tracy O’Regan, professional officer, for clinical imaging and research, said: “This is an important piece of work to map the clinical academic AHPs across the UK. The group is keen to hear from our radiographer and sonographer workforce about their experiences. Please do click on the link to take part.”
A spokesperson for CAHPR said: “Up to now there has been no accurate data about the number of AHPs working in joint contracts between the academic and service provider sectors.
“National political and policy drivers have ear-marked the need for growth of practitioner-academic (clinical-academic) roles – with this being essential to ensure future quality standards of evidence-based care, as well as a vital contribution to workforce recruitment and retention.”
Insights gained from the survey will include data on the numbers and nature of these joint appointments; how they are funded; role sustainability; job security; and key support that has enabled these appointments.
By establishing a baseline dataset for these roles and mapping it against the CAHPR’s UK-wide data, the survey will help to highlight levels of parity and equity in research roles and opportunities across AHP specialisms around the UK.
The findings will be reported publicly through CAHPR and will complement other CAP24 workstreams to help secure increased opportunities for AHPs.
All responses are anonymous and the survey is open to all UK registered AHPs who have dedicated research time as part, or all, of their current role.
The survey will be live until 9 February, and can be found online here.