SoR calls on members to participate in Change NHS survey

The survey closes on Friday 14 April

Published: 06 March 2025 Surveys

Change NHS has published a new survey aimed at getting health professionals’ opinions on suggestions from the NHS Change: 10 Year Health Plan engagement process, and radiographers are being encouraged to take part.

The 10 Year Health Plan aims to address underlying issues outlined by Lord Darzi in his independent report, which was released last year.

Change NHS’s survey asks participants to answer questions in relation to their personal preferences. The SoR is encouraging radiographers to fill out the survey before the 14 April deadline.

Following the deadline, the Change NHS website will cease activities on its website and the final version of the Plan will be developed.

There are five sections in the survey, each of which include a video introducing the ideas.

Contribute your personal experiences

Richard Evans, CEO of the Society of Radiographers, urged SoR members in England to contribute their views to the survey.

“Everyone in England has a chance to provide feedback to the Department of Health and Social Care as the consultation on the future of the NHS progresses,” he said. “We are all service users and many of us will have significant experiences as patients, carers and relatives of patients, as well as health care workers.”

“It is important that as many voices are heard in this process as possible. Please take the chance to contribute your personal views and encourage others to do the same.”

The survey is available here.

What is Change NHS?

Change NHS was launched in October 2024 as a method of gathering views and experiences of the NHS following Lord Darzi’s report.

In its final form, the 10 Year Health Plan will cover three shifts agreed upon by the Government health service and experts. These are moving care from hospitals to communities, improving the use of technology, and sickness prevention.