Ballot for SoR vice president opens next week

Eligible members will be invited to vote in the vice president election from Monday 10 June 2024

Published: 06 June 2024 Trade Union & IR

The ballot to decide who will be the next SoR vice president of the SoR opens next week, from 10 June until 24 June 2024.

The ballot will take place online, via Civica Election Services, and all eligible members will receive an email inviting them to participate from Monday 10 June. 

The email will contain a link to the external voting site, a confidential password, and instructions on how to vote.

Why should members vote?

The individual elected, will serve on UK Council for three years, firstly as vice president from mid-2024, then as president elect for one year, and finally as president from mid-2026. They will represent the whole of the radiography profession and help steer the strategic direction of the Society.

It’s important that members participate in the vote, to have their say on who they’d prefer to represent them and their needs.

Who’s in the running?

There are two candidates up for election this year, the first being Robin Bickerton, a CT lead radiographer in Oxfordshire and the South East Region representative on UK Council.

Robin said if elected, his priorities as president would be centered around terms and conditions for radiographers, particularly with an impending general election. His key priorities also include support for international radiographers moving to the UK, pressure around workloads, pay and pensions.

The second candidate in the running is Rachel Nolan, an assistant professional lead at Peterborough City Hospital and the Eastern Representative on UK Council.

Rachel’s priorities if elected, would be to look for new opportunities for radiographers and to help raise the profile of the profession further. An update to Agenda for Change would be high on her list of priorities as well as sonography registration and addressing the attrition rate in radiography.

You can read each candidate’s profile, to learn more about their experience and what they hope to achieve in the role.