NHS Employers have published details of the government's revised pay offer for staff on Agenda for Change contracts for 2022/23 and 2023/24.
The government has confirmed to the Agenda for Change (AfC) trade unions and employers the details of a revised pay offer for 2022/23 and a proposal for a headline recurrent pay award uplift 2023/24.
The offer is made up of the following three parts:
1. Proposed non-consolidated award for 2022/23
The percentage component and backlog bonus are added together to give the total non-consolidated payment received that links to 2022/23. As the award is non-consolidated, this means it is a one-off payment, which is non-pensionable and does not feed into the calculation for additional earnings.
2. Proposed consolidated pay award for 2023/24
The 2023/24 pay award is consolidated, meaning that it is a pensionable payment, which feeds into the calculation for additional earnings.
3. Proposed non-pay measures to support the NHS workforce
These measures include:
Separately to the ‘offer in principle’ above, the government has agreed with the RCN its commitment to address the specific challenges faced by nursing staff in terms of recruitment, retention and professional development. This will mean working with NHS Employers and all agenda for change trade unions over the next year to consider whether a separate pay spine for nursing might be established.
Visit the NHS Employers website to see how the changes would affect your pay band.
Image: Mike Kemp/Getty Images