Overt and covert recording of sonographers performing NHS obstetric ultrasound examinations

Society issues guidance to support local policy development

Published: 03 March 2022 Ultrasound

Sonographers are increasingly reporting service users taking overt and covert videos or photographs during antenatal ultrasound examinations. They have also highlighted concerns about social media posts informing service users that they have a right to video examinations and staff on NHS property.

The Society has worked with Antenatal Results and Choices , the College of Radiographers Patient Advisory Group and the SoR Ultrasound Advisory Group to co-produce guidance to support sonographers and obstetric ultrasound departments to develop local protocols to manage such situations.

Advice is given to promote a collaborative approach to developing local policy that considers the importance of the clinical examination, the need for the sonographer to feel comfortable in their workplace, allowing them to concentrate fully on the complex examination and exceptional situations where women and pregnant people need additional support. The guidance reinforces the importance of consistent messaging and the need for all members of the wider antenatal team to understand the local policy and rationale for it.

Suggestions are given to promote information and justification of local policy to women and pregnant people, pre-examination, on arrival in the ultrasound department and within the ultrasound room. Example information for expectant parents is included within the appendix, to assist ultrasound teams and Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) to co-design resources to meet their local requirements.

The guidance document has benefited from input from a range of stakeholders. The SoR are extremely grateful for the time and effort they have given to co-writing this document.

The guidance is available here