The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) for Health and Social Care accredits registers of health and care practitioners that are not regulated by law under the Accredited Registers programme.
Accreditation by the PSA means that a register is managed effectively and adheres to good practice. It enhances public protection and helps the public make informed decisions about their care.
Standard One, also known as the ‘public interest test’, checks whether the benefits of the activities of the roles on the register are likely to outweigh the risks. The PSA is conducting a Standard One assessment for the RCT, which includes professions such as sonography, medical physics nuclear medicine and radiotherapy physics.
The PSA is asking for feedback on your experiences with the RCT and wants to know of good experiences and areas that could be improved. If you are a sonographer and have feedback, please get involved.
The PSA said: "We are interested to hear of your experience of RCT, that could impact on their ability to comply with our Standards. We are specifically looking for information about the benefits and risks associated with the practice of roles on the register. Your contribution can be as lengthy or as brief as you like, but we will only be able to take it into account if it is supported by evidence rather than just being an expression of your opinion or based on hearsay".
To share your experience with the PSA, email [email protected] by 12 July 2023. More information on the PSA website.