Researchers are being asked to apply for funding to undertake a modified Delphi consensus study to inform and direct the review of the College of Radiographers Education and Career Framework. The grant is for a maximum of £16,000 to undertake the research within a four month period, starting as soon as possible.
The third edition of the Education and Career Framework was published in 2013. Much has since changed in clinical and academic workplaces. Technology has and is undergoing rapid changes, including the emerging role of artificial intelligence.
The Topol Review (2019) reported “how technological and other developments (including artificial intelligence) are likely to change the roles and functions of clinical staff in all professions over the next two decades to ensure safer, more productive, more effective and more personal care for patients.”
The higher education sector has also experienced rapid change, which has included technology enhanced learning, funding, and apprenticeships.
The new Education and Career Framework needs to consider the implications of these changes on the skills required by the future imaging and radiotherapy workforce and the consequences for the selection, curricula, education, training, development and lifelong learning of the current and future workforce.
The objective of this project is to define the education and career framework for the radiography profession (from assistant practitioner to consultant practitioner level and others such as academic and leadership), to direct curriculum development and the knowledge, skills and behaviours that will meet the needs of the future imaging and radiotherapy workforce.
This call is looking to appoint a researcher through competitive call for research proposals. The appointed researcher will be required to work closely with project lead and steering group.
The project specification will need to include:
To apply, please send expressions of interest with project proposals to Jacquie Vallis, professional officer for education and accreditation at the Society and College of Radiographers by Monday 6 July.
Interviews for prospective bidders who have passed the first stage of panel assessment will be week commencing Monday, 13 July online using GoToMeeting.